The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee comprises the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the four Scrutiny and Policy Development Committees. Its remit is:
· Lead on the scrutiny work planning process
· Lead the scrutiny of high-level cross-cutting and city-wide issues – appointing joint committees where appropriate
· Scrutinise the use of Council resources – Resources Portfolio, budget monitoring, annual budget setting process
· Performance monitoring – referring areas of concern to the relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee where appropriate
Meetings of the Committee are open to the public.
There is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and submit petitions under the agenda item 'Public Questions and Petitions'.
As we are still operating under Social Distancing Rules, if you wish to ask a question or present a petition at the meeting, you must submit the question/petition in writing at least 2 clear days in advance of the date of the meeting, by email to the following address: or by telephone 0114 2056272). This is necessary to facilitate the management of attendance at the meeting and to maintain social distancing. For meetings held on a Wednesday, questions/petitions will need to be received by 9.00 a.m. on the Monday of that week. You will also be asked to provide a contact email and/or telephone number.
Due to health and safety restrictions in place to ensure current social distancing rules in our meeting rooms, we are unable to guarantee entrance to observers, as priority will be given to registered speakers. To observe the meeting as a member of the public, please click on the ‘view the webcast’ link provided on the meeting page of the website.
The Chair of the meeting has discretion as to how questions and petitions are presented at the meeting and as to whether you are invited to ask your question or present a petition at the meeting or they are read out at the meeting. A response to the question or petition will be given by the appropriate Member or Council officer. If you are not able to attend the meeting, your question/petition may be referred to the appropriate Member, Council officer or organisation and an answer/response will be provided to you.
Where a submitted question or petition cannot be answered because time does not allow, or where a Member undertakes to provide a written answer/response, the written answer/response will be provided to you and will be published on the Council website.
Please note that the Chair of the meeting may not accept petitions or questions which relate to:-
(i) matters not being within the responsibility of the Local Authority or which affects the City or its inhabitants;
(ii) judicial or quasi-judicial matters;
(iii) individual planning/licence/grant applications or appeals;
(iv) named officers or Members of the Council;
(v) confidential matters of the type referred to in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972; or
(vi) matters of an irrelevant, repetitious, defamatory, frivolous or offensive nature or a general misuse of the opportunity.
Please note that meetings will be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the council’s website. See the Council’s Webcasting Notice for more details.
Further information is available on submitting petitions.
Recording is allowed at Scrutiny Committee meetings under the direction of the Chair of the meeting. The protocol on audio/visual recording and photography provides further information.
Support officer: Deborah Glen, Policy and Improvement Officer. Email:
Phone: 0114 27 35065