Contact details

South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Ruth Milsom (Chair)

Sheffield City Council
Town Hall
S1 2HH

0114 2735380 (Town Hall)
07766 541054

Download Councillor Ruth Milsom contact details as VCard

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Councillor Roger Jackson (Nottinghamshire)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Eve Keenan (Rotherham)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Glynis Smith (Doncaster)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Mick Stowe (Barnsley)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Jean Wharmby (Derbyshire)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Martin Greenhalgh (Doncaster) (Substitute Member)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Nigel Turner (Nottinghamshire) (Substitute Member)

(Address not supplied)

Councillor Taiba Yasseem (Rotherham) (Substitute Member)

(Address not supplied)