Issue - decisions

Confirming grant aid awards for 2018/19 and Delegation of Grant Aid variations to Individual Cabinet Member

24/04/2018 - Confirming Grant Aid awards for 2018/19 and Delegation of Grant Aid variations to Individual Cabinet Member


The Executive Director, People Services, submitted a report seeking Cabinet approval for the grant aid awards for 2018/19; and to delegate, to the Cabinet Member with voluntary sector responsibility, authority to vary grant aid awards for the financial year 2019/20.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-  





agrees the grant awards for 2018/19 as set out in the report, which are in line with the budget savings stated in the Revenue Budget report approved by the Cabinet in February 2018 and the multi-year grant agreements; and






delegates authority to make the decision on any reduction in grant aid awards in year 3 for all multi-year agreements (2019/20) to the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the voluntary sector on the basis that, as previously approved, the awards for year 3 will be within the parameters set out in the September 2016 Cabinet report, between 75% and 100% of the year 1 value.





Reasons for Decision




The awards are all within the financial boundaries of the existing multi-year agreements and the budget available to the Council. 




The Cabinet Member responsible for the Voluntary Sector can already set the level of grant award if it is the same percentage reduction across the funds and delegating the option to vary any percentage reduction across the funds allows timely decision making that takes into account needs, impact, as well as the funds available for the grant awards.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Due to there not being sufficient funds available to award all groups 100% of the year 1 value in year 2, the proposal is to award different levels of grant across the funds based on the strategic needs and impact assessments.  The Council wishes to protect, as far as possible, front line delivery of the grant aid recipient organisations that work directly with the most vulnerable and marginalised in the city.  Therefore, most groups will have a 10% reduction of the potential 20% maximum reduction.  Sheffield Citizens Advice will receive a 2.6% reduction, which reflects the increasing reliance of many households on advice regarding welfare reform and the evidence from other areas that where Universal Credit has already been rolled-out, Citizens Advice becomes even more crucial in managing the transition for many households. Infrastructure support will receive a 20% reduction. 




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Jayne Ludlam, Executive Director, People Services




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




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