Issue - decisions

Plumbing & Heating Spares Contract Re-tender

25/04/2019 - Procurement of a Plumbing & Heating Spares Contract to Support the Repairs & Maintenance Service in the Place Portfolio


The Executive Director, Place, submitted a report seeking authority to procure the provision of a plumbing & heating spares contract to support the Repairs & Maintenance Service and award the contract for the Council in line with the contents of the report.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:- 





approves the re-tendering of the Plumbing and Gas Spares contract as outlined in the report, including:







ongoing provision of plumbing and heating spares for the repairs and maintenance service to maintain housing stock and corporate buildings; and








provision of boilers and associated parts specifically to service the Heating Replacement Programme; and







delegates authority to the Executive Director, Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance & Commercial Services and Director of Legal and Governance, to:







decide the procurement strategy;








negotiate and agree the terms of the new contracts for the provision of  Plumbing & Heating spares (including framework and call-off contracts, including the purchase of boilers and associated parts);








award the new contracts to the successful services providers chosen by the Council; and








take all other necessary steps not covered by existing delegations to achieve the outcomes outlined in the report.





Reasons for Decision



The procurement will enable the Council to:


·      Have a compliant mechanism in place to meet the service requirements, whilst allowing for a thorough review in the medium term to identify any further savings/efficiencies as part of the ongoing TOM (target operating model) project.


·      As outlined in section 1 of the report it is believed that immediate savings and economies of scale can be realised by re-engaging the market, particularly with spend levels being in excess of those originally predicted pre-insourcing.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected



Extension of the existing contract - the Service could continue meeting service delivery requirements via the existing framework contracts and re-tender in line with standing orders in 2 years’ time.   However, this option is not recommended as it is believed that better value can achieved by re-tendering at this stage as outlined in Section 1 of the report.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Laraine Manley, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




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