
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the Council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

03/02/2020 - Upper Don Valley Flood Protection Scheme Phase 1 - Allocation of Corporate Investment Fund Contributions ref: 2449    Recommendations Approved

To obtain approval to allocate Corporate Investment Fund contributions up to a maximum of £3.75 million to the Upper Don Valley Flood Protection Scheme Phase One.  These funds will ensure that the scheme is within budget and enable the award of the construction operator contract. Once this is complete the scheme can progress to its detailed design and construction stage in February 2020. A decision to allocate these extra funds is needed to enable the scheme to proceed in line with a programmed timetable agreed with the Council’s partner investors. This will ensure that the Council retains secured external partner funds amounting to £5.435 million to support delivery of the scheme.


Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision published: 17/03/2020

Effective from: 03/02/2020


That the Leader of the Council:-


  1. Approves the allocation of Corporate Investment Funds of up to a maximum of £3.75 million to the Upper Don Valley Flood Protection Scheme Phase 1 budget, to enable the scheme to proceed as outlined in the report; and


  1. Notes that officers will work to secure additional direct Government funding, including further Flood Defence Grant In Aid (FDGiA), to reduce the allocation approved above.


Lead officer: James Fletcher

13/02/2020 - Recommissioning of a range of prevention and supported accommodation services for people with mental ill health ref: 2471    Recommendations Approved

To recommission 5 services to ensure services remain in place for people with mental ill health in Sheffield.


To align the dates of current contracts to enable a single commissioning process to take place within the same timeline.


To make some changes to services to respond to changing and increasing needs, to update the cost of providing such services and to ensure that service provision can adapt to changing needs throughout the contract.


The Director of Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning is recommended to approve the recommendations within this report  in order to ensure that Sheffield retains a range of accommodation based and non-accommodation based services for people with mental ill health to prevent illness becoming worse and to provide an alternative offer for adults stepping down from hospital and residential care.

Decision Maker: Director of Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning

Decision published: 02/03/2020

Effective from: 13/02/2020



Approve the procurement process to re-commission a range of psychological and outreach support and accommodation based support services for people with mental ill health, in line with the details as set out in this report, and thereafter to award the contracts.



Approve the extension of 3 of the current contracts at the current contract price and terms and conditions in order to align all the contracts, enabling a single procurement process to take place as detailed in this report



To approve the extension of the floating support service with Adullam until 2nd October 2020 within the terms of the current contract.



Lead officer: Dawn Walton

11/02/2020 - South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership Contract with the University of Sheffield Management School ref: 2456    Recommendations Approved

The current contract with the University of Sheffield for the provision of postgraduate certificates in leadership and management for social work expired in September 2019. The report recommends the recommissioning of that contract for a minimum of 12 students per year across the South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership for a four year period, ensuring that the Council and its partner local authorities continue to benefit from a greatly reduced price.  Sheffield City Council, as the lead authority, will act on behalf of the South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership and will recharge each local authority, so there is limited financial risk.


Decision Maker: Executive Director, People Services

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 11/02/2020




(a)  Agree the proposed continued arrangement under the South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership under which the Council acts as lead authority on behalf of the Partnership with regard to contractual arrangements with the University of Sheffield Management School; and


(b)  Agree to exercise delegated authority to make appropriate recommissioning arrangements for (i) contracting with the University of Sheffield; and (ii) making payments under the contract for the provision of postgraduate certificates in leadership and management for social work on behalf of the local authority members of the South Yorkshire Teaching Partnership to the University of Sheffield.



Lead officer: Dorothy Smith

12/02/2020 - Recommission of the Fresh Start Service ref: 2454    Recommendations Approved

Fresh Start is a service for mothers who have had one or more children recently removed by the local authority (including Special Guardianship Orders (SGOs)). The service aims to support women in order to cope with their loss, build resilience, increase well-being and develop new skills for future living.  Fresh Start is now in its 3rd quarter of the 2nd year of delivery which ends in April 2020.  The report contains proposals to recommission the Fresh Start Service.


Decision Maker: Executive Director, People Services

Decision published: 17/02/2020

Effective from: 12/02/2020


1. To approve a tender to recommission the Fresh Start Service for a further two years with the same level of funding of £88,000 per year; and


2. To delegate authority to the Director of Children and Families, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercial Services and the Head of Procurement & Supply Chain, to:-


a)    determine the appropriate procurement strategy for the provision for an updated Fresh Start Service;


b)    award the contract for the Fresh Start Service in accordance with the procurement strategy; and


c)    take such steps, where no existing authority exists under the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation, to meet the aims and objectives of the report.


Lead officer: Helen Sweaton

30/01/2020 - Neighbourhood Planning: Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield & Tapton (BBEST) Draft Neighbourhood Plan Submission ref: 2452    Recommendations Approved

This report seeks approval that the Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield & Tapton (BBEST) Draft Neighbourhood Plan can proceed to the next stage of the neighbourhood plan process, which is consultation and examination.


Decision Maker: Head of Planning

Decision published: 14/02/2020

Effective from: 30/01/2020




(a) the Draft Neighbourhood Plan is publicised on the Council’s website for a period of at least 6 weeks in accordance with Regulation 16(a) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 ("the Regulations");


(b) consultation bodies are notified of receipt of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with Regulation 16(b) of the Regulations;


(c) an examiner is appointed by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with and consent of the BBEST Neighbourhood Forum, in accordance with paragraphs 7(3) and 7(6) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ("the 1990 Act") (as applied to Neighbourhood Plans by section 38A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004); and


(d) the Draft Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to the appointed examiner for independent examination after expiry of the abovementioned publicity period, in accordance with paragraph 7(2) of Schedule 4B of the 1990 Act and Regulation 17 of the Regulations.


Lead officer: Shanza Shahzad