Officer Decisions

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Alternatively you can visit the decisions by Cabinet, Committees, etc page for information on decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Officer decisions
Title Date
Pedestrian Improvement - Clarkehouse Road 02/03/2023
Burncross 20mph 02/03/2023
Manor Lane 20mph 02/03/2023
Burton Street Accessibility 02/03/2023
Handsworth 20mph Scheme 02/03/2023
Local Centres Disabled Parking Bays - Woodhouse and Darnall 02/03/2023
Deerlands 20mph zone 02/03/2023
Sheaf Valley Cycle Route (Highfields 20 mph zone) 02/03/2023
City Centre pavement parking phase 2 02/03/2023
Double Yellow Lines Programme 02/03/2023
Leah's Yard Phase 2 02/03/2023
Arundel Gate Bus Gate 02/03/2023
Batemoor 20mph 02/03/2023
City Centre Bike Hub 02/03/2023
Forge Dam Heritage and Wildlife Improvements<br/>Stage 3 - Access Improvement Works 02/03/2023
Forge Dam Heritage and Wildlife Improvements Stage 3 - Wall repair works 02/03/2023
Play Improvement Project: Phase 7 Cardwell Drive - installation of play equipment for younger children to fully meet community need 02/03/2023
Richmond Park Flood Management Scheme: Phase 1 Swales 02/03/2023
Landscaping Works MTC 02/03/2023
Woodbourn Road Football Hub - Pitch Replacement 02/03/2023
Woodbourn Road Football Hub - Pavillion 02/03/2023
Shire Brook Valley - Access and Facilities Phase 2 02/03/2023
Richmond Park Drainage Phase 2 02/03/2023
Skye Edge Landscape Improvements 02/03/2023
Ecclesfield Park Improvements Phase 1 & Hollinsend Tennis Courts 02/03/2023
Mount Pleasant Park Lighting 02/03/2023
Mather Road Community Park 02/03/2023
Frecheville Park Playground Phase 1 02/03/2023
Rolling Acres Playground 02/03/2023
Phase 1 - Hemsworth OPIL 02/03/2023
NCH Phase 5 - Newstead General Needs 02/03/2023
OPIL Fire suppression systems 02/03/2023
Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme 2022/23 - Design & Build 02/03/2023
Asbestos Surveying, Testing and Reporting Contract 2022-2025 02/03/2023
Homes Upgrade Grant 02/03/2023
Gaunt Rd Phase 15 - Pre-Construction Services Agreement 02/03/2023
Replacement Older Persons Independent Living (OPIL) Laundry equipment Programme 02/03/2023
Bolehill View General Needs Housing Demolition 02/03/2023
New Build Phase 26 - Move on Provision Fraser Road (RSAP) 02/03/2023
Knowle Hill Temporary Accommodation 02/03/2023
High Rise Flat Roofing 02/03/2023
Nether Green Junior School Roofing and Associated Works 02/03/2023
Halfway Junior Conversion 02/03/2023
Aldine House Corner Infill Extension 02/03/2023
King Ecgberts Expansion 02/03/2023
Private Sector Adaptations - LAS Backlog Contract 4 02/03/2023
Private Sector Adaptations - Provision of Stairlifts and Associated Works - Term Contract 2022-2025 02/03/2023
Town Hall Fire Alarm 02/03/2023
Abbey Glen, Carley Drive: Noise Assessments 02/03/2023
Town Hall Diesel Fuel Tank 02/03/2023
Aldine House Hair Salon 02/02/2023