Meeting documents

Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee
Thursday 11 January 2007

Sheffields Inclusive and Cosmopolitan Partnership Board Minutes 17th October 2006

Meeting held 17th October, 2006
City Council Representatives
Councillors Pat Midgley (Chair) and John Campbell.
Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector Representatives
Jim Steinke, David Price, Mushall Khan and Christine Barton.
Other Representatives
Ruth Grayson (Vulnerable People's Task Group).
Tim Wright (Open Forum for Economic Regeneration).
Also in attendance
Sue Castle (Partnership Manager)
Huda Ahmed, Ann Allen and Paul Robinson (City Council)
Angela Smith (Inclusive Living Sheffield)
John Evans (Sheffield Futures)
Ahmed Gurnah and Akhtar Hussain (Sheffield Black Community Alliance)
Two members of the public attended the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Joanne Roney, Councillor Clive Skelton, Abdul Khayum, Kevan Taylor and Clive Clarke.
There were no declarations of interest made by Members of the Partnership Board.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 19th September, 2006, were agreed as a correct record with the removal of one of the two references to Christine Barton in the list of those present.
Matters Arising
Sheffield Racial Equality Council
The Board noted that the Management Committee of the Sheffield Racial Equality Council would discuss at a meeting in the near future the issue of nominating a representative to serve on the Board.
Regional Casinos' Task Group
Mushall Khan reported that she had been unable to attend the meeting of the Regional Casinos' Task Group held on 11th October, 2006, and the Board noted information reported by David Price that the Bishop of Sheffield's report on mitigating the adverse effects and maximising the benefits of a regional casino was to be presented at an event to be held on 25th October, 2006, at 4.30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn.
Disability and the Social Inclusion/Cohesion Strategy
Sue Castle, in response to a question from Christine Barton, reported that the Social Inclusion/Cohesion Strategy was being edited in light of the discussion held at the last meeting of the Board on the application of the social model of disability, and would be submitted to the next meeting of the Board. On the issue of reflecting the use of the social model in the language and terms used by the Sheffield First Family of Partnerships, Sue Castle indicated that she would raise that issue at the next meeting of the Partnership Managers with a view to referring the matter to the Sheffield First Partnership.
Partnership Manager
Partnership Manager
Charges for Non-Residential Care Services
Following comments made by Jim Steinke, the Board agreed that arrangements be made for a report on the effect of the recent increase in charges for non-residential care services to be submitted to the next meeting of the Board.
Partnership Manager
Reaching Out: An Action Plan on Social Exclusion
Sue Castle circulated copies of the Government's publication entitled "Reaching Out: An Action Plan on Social Exclusion".
Ahmed Gurnah and Akhtar Hussain submitted a report outlining the progress being made in relation to the establishment of the Sheffield Black Community Alliance (SBCA) to represent and lobby on behalf of black communities in the City.
The Board was asked to discuss the means suggested in the report by which the Board could support the Alliance and to advise the Alliance in relation to the next steps towards the establishment of that organisation.
Ahmed Gurnah commented upon the consultation that the Development Group tasked to establish the Alliance had held with key community organisations, organisations affiliated to the Black Community Forum and at public meetings with regard to establishing effective representation arrangements, and he outlined the progress which had been made on five key actions leading to the establishment of a new organisation which would unify black community groups in the City to effectively present concerns of black communities and increase their political contribution in the City, identify the rights of black people and develop policies/strategies to procure those rights and seek access to resources and appropriate services for affiliates, communities and individuals.
As regards the specific actions, Mr. Gurnah (a) indicated that the Black Community Forum had now been formally dissolved, (b) recruitment of members to the new Alliance was underway and enrolment was open to any individuals and organisations from the black communities, (c) a draft one year Black Community Development Strategy had been developed, (d) a provisional constitution for the Alliance had been agreed and (e) the election of the Management Committee for the Alliance would take place on 28th October, 2006. Ahmed Gurnah added that the provisional constitution, draft Black Community Development Strategy and election process for the Management Committee had been agreed at a community meeting on 29th July and the new Management Committee would be tasked with further developing the constitution on the understanding that the nature of the Alliance was to act as an umbrella organisation representing black community organisations and groups in the City and would not undertake any trading activities.
In response to questions and comments made by Members of the Board, Ahmed Gurnah and Akhtar Hussain made the following points:-
· The Alliance would differ from the former Black Community Forum in that it would not be undertaking any trading activities but would be purely a representational group with a priority to ensure that regular contact and dialogue was held with its membership. It was important to learn from the experiences of the operation of the Black Community Forum.
· The constitution of the Alliance included a commitment to pursue equal opportunities in its activities and monitoring the activities of other organisations in the City in relation to equal opportunities issues would be a function of the Alliance. The Alliance would aim to establish links with regional and national organisations in due course and to liaise with all relevant organisations and groups in the City in relation to equalities issues.
· The composition of the Alliance's Management Committee would be determined via a democratic election but efforts had been made to attract candidates from groups of interest within the black and minority ethnic communities, and provision had been made in the constitution to enable the Management Committee to use co-option as a means to obtain expertise/representation where appropriate. The results of the elections would be published and transparency and accountability were key issues for the Alliance.
· Not all of the former members of the Black Community Forum had joined the Alliance as yet, possibly due to a degree of disillusionment in relation to the operation of the Forum. Accordingly, the Alliance would need to demonstrate its effectiveness in order to attract those Members.
· It was acknowledged that the Alliance would need to be proactive in order to ensure diversity within its operations and this would be the responsibility of the Management Committee.
· The involvement and engagement of young people was a key area for the Alliance, and the offer of support from Sheffield Futures in pursuing that aim was welcomed.
· Contact had been made with local refugee and asylum seekers groups and those relationships would be developed, as would relationships with other groups and organisations promoting equality.
· As regards maximising turn out at the Management Committee elections, the elections had been publicised through leaflets distributed to key community centres, through an e-mail network which had been developed and via word of mouth and it was anticipated that approximately 100 people would be attending the elections.
· There was no funding in place for the Alliance as yet and the work being undertaken to establish the Alliance was being undertaken on a voluntary basis.
· It was acknowledged that mental health and disability issues was required to be given a higher profile within black and minority ethnic communities and that key issues for the Alliance would be accountability and genuine representation via consultation with grass roots organisations and advocating on their behalf.
Ann Allen (Community and Neighbourhood Renewal Manager) commented that information in relation to the Management Committee elections could be disseminated via the Sheffield First Partnership Managers meeting and via her own network of contacts. She reported that Neighbourhood Renewal Funding of £50,000 in 2006/07 and £51,500 in 2007/08 had been allocated for black and minority ethnic community infrastructure initiatives, and added that the Black Community Alliance would be one of the organisations consulted in relation to the utilisation of that funding. A post of black and minority ethnic development worker was also to be established within the Community Regeneration Development Team.
The Board (i) thanked Ahmed Gurnah and Akhtar Hussain for their report; and
(ii) agreed that regular dialogue should be held with the Management Committee of the Black Community Alliance.
The Partnership Manager circulated a report providing an update on outcomes from the meeting of the Financial Inclusion Consortium held on 3rd October, 2006.
David Price referred to the proposals for the Legal Services Commission to commission a single advice provider in major urban centres and to the City Council's possible involvement in that regard, and he indicated that there were significant issues to be addressed and emphasised the value of advice centres in the City. He also commented that as regards the issue of financial literacy, gaps in support at the regional level were evident and he suggested that Yorkshire Forward should be lobbied to take up that matter.
In response to a question regarding the role that Sheffield Futures could play in raising financial literacy in the City, John Evans commented that Connexions' personal advisers do assist their clients in that regard and added that he would ensure that financial literacy would be considered for future incorporation into the youth work curriculum.
John Evans
Jim Steinke commented that there was a need for a review of planned advice services in the City in order to ensure that provision and access to services was co-ordinated.
Following a question regarding Leeds' model of devolved credit union branches, David Price commented that one-stop-centres were being established throughout the City and each would include a credit union branch.
The Board (a) requested the Chair to raise with the Leader of the Council and any other individuals with links to Yorkshire Forward, the issue of the level of Yorkshire Forward's support for financial literacy;
Councillor Pat Midgley
(b) requested David Price to supply to the Partnership Manager for forwarding on to Members of the Board, further information pertaining to Leeds' model of devolved credit union branches; and
David Price/
Partnership Manager
(c) requested that an item on credit unions and Money Line Yorkshire be incorporated into the future work programme of the Board.
Partnership Manager
Sue Castle (Partnership Manager) reported that her secondment was due to finish at the end of the following week. She added that the post of Partnership Manager would be advertised in the near future and Valerie Cotter would act as the interim point of contact pending the new appointee commencing in post. Sue Castle indicated that she had put the necessary arrangements in place to facilitate meetings of the Board into the early part of 2007 and she would ensure that the new post-holder would be fully appraised of the issues of concern to and priorities of the Board.
The Board (a) placed on record its appreciation and thanks for the work undertaken by Sue Castle in her capacity as Partnership Manager and extended its best wishes to her in her future career as an Education Programme Manager in Afghanistan; and
(b) requested that the contact details of Valerie Cotter be circulated to all Members of the Board.
Partnership Manager
Sue Castle (Partnership Manager) submitted a report (a) containing the summary report from Howard Knight upon the Partnership Dynamics Project undertaken with the Board, (b) providing an update on the outcomes of the Board's away day in August and on the emerging performance management framework for the "added value" aspect of the Board's work, (c) providing details of the recommendations made by the Social Inclusion Strategy Task Group at its meeting held on 20th September, 2006 and (d) containing a proposed forward agenda for the meetings of the Board during 2007.
In response to a question as to whether the outcome of the Partnership Dynamics Project would be circulated to a wider audience, the Partnership Manager indicated that she would submit the report to the next meeting of the Sheffield First Partnership Managers for dissemination throughout the Sheffield First Partnership structure.
Partnership Manager
Following a question regarding the relationship between the proposed performance management framework for this Board and Sheffield First Partnership's performance management framework, the Partnership Manager commented that the Sheffield First Partnership had now produced a draft performance management framework and she indicated that she would investigate whether it was appropriate for the draft Framework to be submitted to this Board for comment.
Partnership Manager
As regards the proposed forward agenda for 2007, the Board (i) gave approval to the proposed agenda subject to the following amendments:-
Partnership Manager
· The Refugee Integration Strategy should be the main item of business at the meeting in December, 2006.
· The update on black and minority ethnic infrastructure development and implementation be provided at the February, 2007 meeting rather than in April.
· An update on gender duties and action plans be incorporated into the item on Equalities in February, 2007.
· Health inequalities be scheduled into the forward agenda.
(ii) agreed, in response to a comment made, that further work was required to be undertaken before the issue of the Muslim community and gay rights was raised as a topic for discussion at the Board;
(iii) agreed that arrangements be made for an additional meeting of the Board to be held in March, 2007, to enable an additional priority issue to be considered by the Board; and
Partnership Manager
(iv) requested the Partnership Manager to investigate the potential for topics designated for consideration by this Board to alternatively be considered by other Partnership Boards within the Sheffield First Partnership structure.
Partnership Manager
Sue Castle (Partnership Manager) submitted a report outlining the emerging overarching principles for the Social Inclusion and Cohesion Strategy, and seeking discussion on the next steps in strategy development and action planning.
In response to comments on the information submitted, the Partnership Manager stated that milestones and outcomes would be included in the draft Strategy, where a selection of quantative and qualitative indicators would be included for each element of the Strategy. On the issue of the other Sheffield First Partnership Boards embracing social inclusion within their strategies, she commented that an overarching social inclusion and cohesion strategy was required for the City and the role of the Partnership Manager for this Board was to forge closer links with the other Partnership Boards.
The Board (a) gave general endorsement to the emerging principles and draft Action Plan;
(b) requested the Partnership Manager to give further consideration to the definitions pertaining to vulnerability used in the documentation;
Partnership Manager
(c) gave authority for the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board to finalise the principles and Action Plan in conjunction with the Partnership Manager, and accordingly, requested that any further comments from Members of the Board on the content be forwarded to the Partnership Manager within the next two weeks; and
Pat Midgley/
Jim Steinke/
Partnership Manager
All Members
(d) requested that consideration be given to the possibility of holding an additional meeting of the Board in May, 2007, to consider a refresh of the Board's Charter.
Partnership Manager
The Board noted (a) information circulated by the Partnership Manager providing feedback from the cross-partnership event held for voluntary, community and faith sector representatives within the Sheffield First Family of Partnerships held on 16th October, 2006;
(b) that a Community Leadership Conversation Event would be held on 20th October, 2006, between 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. at St. Mathews House, Carver Street;
(c) that the inaugural Sheffield lecture was to be held in the Town Hall on 20th November, 2006, at 7.00 p.m. on the theme of Migration and Diversity in Sheffield: Past, Present and Future; and
(d) that the Annual General Meeting of the Open Forum for Economic Regeneration would be held on 21st November, 2006, at 4.30 p.m. at the Quaker Meeting House.
The Board noted that its next meeting would be held on 19th December, 2006, at 1.30 p.m. in a Town Hall Committee Room, and requested that a lunch be provided prior to the meeting.
Partnership Manager