Decision details

Adult Social Care Local Account 2016/17 - Independent, Safe and Well

Decision Maker: Co-operative Executive

Decision status: For Determination


Annual local account to inform people living in Sheffield what our Adult Social Care teams have achieved in 2016/17 and the plans for 2017.



The Executive Director, People Services submitted a report providing an overview on Adult Social Care performance during 2016/17 and the plan for the year ahead.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet notes the content, and approves publication of Independent, Safe and Well, Sheffield’s Local Account of Adult Social Care and Support (2016/17).




Reasons for Decision




Since 2011, local accounts have formed a key part of the national Towards Excellence in Adult Social Care (TEASC) approach to sector led improvement in adult social care. They can provide a key mechanism for demonstrating accountability for performance and outcomes.




Although not mandatory, local accounts are considered good practice and are produced by most local authorities.




Local accounts are a core component of the overall approach to sector led improvement, alongside peer challenge and support, benchmarking common data sets and making best use of resources from accessing best practice in how to deliver good outcomes for local people who use services at a time of diminishing resources and growing demand. All of these components will support councils to be self aware of their performance and to set priorities through engaging local people.




We have focused on producing a short, easy to read report, which is accessible for local people but can also be used to judge our performance, as part of the sector led improvement programme.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Sheffield was not legally required to produce a local account.  However local accounts are considered good practice and are produced by most local authorities.




National guidance leaves the format and content to be determined locally.  We have continued with a similar approach to the local account produced last year, which received positive feedback locally and regionally.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Jayne Ludlam, Executive Director, People Services




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care


Report author: Elaine Dutton

Publication date: 19/12/2017

Date of decision: 13/12/2017

Decided at meeting: 13/12/2017 - Co-operative Executive

Effective from: 03/01/2018

Accompanying Documents: