Decision details

Decision Sheet- South West LAC Budget 22 February 2024

Decision Maker: South West Local Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved





Local Area Committees (LACs) were established by Full Council in May 2021. Their Terms of Reference are set out in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution and include:


·       To agree a Community Plan setting priorities for the area of the committee, monitor delivery of that plan and keep it under review; and


·       To make decisions relating to funding as delegated from time to time by the Council to fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement with the community.




To enable decisions to be taken quickly and to respond to emerging issues between Committee meetings, in September 2021 the South West LAC authorised the

Community Services Manager to make decisions on expenditure provided that: •


·       The decision is taken in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair;

·       Spending is in line with any specific purposes of the allocated budget;

·       The decision may not approve expenditure of more than £5,000, and

·       A report detailing the delegated spending decisions taken by the Community Services Manager is presented to the Local Area Committee meeting.


Spending decisions made under this delegation have been reported to the LAC at each meeting.



RESOLVED: That the South West Local Area Committee:-


a)    Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the South West LAC in 2023/23, as detailed in the report.


b)    Notes the expenditure against the £26,697 LAC Cost of Living budget.


c)     Approves the reallocation of the surplus £10,000 budget carried forward from 2022/23 to be added to the LAC Ward Funds at £2,500 for each ward.



Reasons for Decision


The South West LAC is asked to note and approve the allocation of funding under the priority headings identified to assist its ability to monitor its budget and to support delivery of the Community Plan.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Decisions on any expenditure above the existing authority to the Community Services Manager could be reserved to the LAC but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.


All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers. However, this would restrict and undermine the LAC’s ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan


Publication date: 23/02/2024

Date of decision: 22/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 22/02/2024 - South West Local Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: