Decision details

Grounds Maintenance and Estate Services Review

Decision Maker: Co-operative Executive

Decision status: For Determination


An options appraisal of grounds maintenance and estate services has been carried out. The report outlines the recommendations from the options appraisal.



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report in relation to the Grounds Maintenance and Estate Services review.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





notes the contents of the report and the services efficiencies and savings that can be achieved for the HRA and General Fund;






approves the delivery of Housing grounds maintenance by a single service and that is to be achieved by the transfer of Estate Officers from the Council Housing Service to the Parks and Public Realm service with a review of the structures and job descriptions across Parks and Public Realm and Estate services;






approves the reconfiguration of the remaining Council Housing estate services functions following the transfer of grounds maintenance work to Parks and Public Realm; and






authorises the Director of Culture and Environment and the Interim Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services to take the necessary steps to implement these recommendations.





Reasons for Decision




The recommendations have the potential to improve equality of service delivery, maintain standards and provide financial savings to both the Housing Revenue Account and the General Fund resulting from increased efficiency.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Five alternative options were considered during the options appraisal. The full details of the options appraisal methodology and results of the appraisal are included in Appendices B and C of the report.




In addition, integration of the Parks and Public Realm SLA work for Housing into the Council Housing Service’s estate services were considered during the options appraisal. The Parks and Public Realm services were fully merged in 2012. Improvements in efficiency as a result of this merger, led to savings of 11% for employee costs and 6% of other costs. Officers felt that previous efficiencies and savings would be lost if Parks and Public Realm were to be disaggregated and therefore there would be a corresponding rise in costs in these areas.




This option was discounted by the options appraisal as the cost of delivering the service could increase significantly and therefore did not offer value for money.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities


Report author: Ian Turner

Publication date: 21/10/2014

Date of decision: 15/10/2014

Decided at meeting: 15/10/2014 - Co-operative Executive

Effective from: 28/10/2014

Accompanying Documents: