Decision details

Re-procurement of the Sheffield Mental Health Information Guide

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


The Sheffield Mental Health Information guide provides information and advice on mental health conditions and the support services available in the city and nationwide.


The contract for the Sheffield Mental Health Information Guide with an approved 6-month extension is due to expire 30 September 2022. 

We are therefore seeking approval to tender, procure and award a contract to a provider to develop and maintain an All-Age Mental Health Information Guide. 


This will ensure that there is provision of Mental Health Information for people with all ages their families, friends, and health professions who require information on mental health conditions and the support services that are available in the city and nation-wide.

We have a legal duty under the Care Act 2014 to provide information and advice. In addition, under the Crisis Care Concordat the Council has committed to provide information on local support and advice about how to access urgent help.  Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that there is a new contract in place before the existing contract expires.


A service review has identified key areas for development of the mental health information guide highlighting the need for incorporating children and young people mental health information and support services to provide a resource in the city that incorporates mental health information for all ages.



That the Executive Member for Health and Social Care:


  1. Approves the commissioning and procurement of the Mental Health Information Guide, in line with the report;


  1. Delegate an authority to the Executive Director of People Services, in consultation with Director of Finance and Commercial Services, where there is no existing authority, to negotiate, agree terms and to award such contracts to successful tenderers; and


  1. Delegate an authority to the Executive Director of People, in consultation with Director of Finance and Commercial Services, where there is no existing authority to take such steps to meet the aims and objectives as set out in the report.


Reasons for the decision:

It is anticipated that the recommended option will deliver the following outcomes:


1. The Council can meet its statutory duties under the Care Act 2014.


2. The service will address outcomes within the Adult Social Care Strategy 2021-2030 – Living the Life You Want to Lead:

·       Safe and Well

·       Active and Independent

·       Connected and Engaged


3. People can access information on specific conditions, their diagnosis and treatment options.


4. People are able to make informed choices about how to respond to mental, health problems.


5. People are able to access activities and support that enable them to become more resilient and to increase their chances of recovery.



Alternative options considered:


As part as an options appraisal exercise, the other options identified were as follows:





1.    Do nothing / do not recommission

·       Savings to budget.

·       Contract will end and there will be no provision in the city.

·       The council will not be meeting its legal requirements under the Care Act 2014.

·       Could see an increase in demand for primary and secondary care services if people are not able to access mental health information they need to support themselves or others.

2.    Recommission service in existing format

·       Well established website fully engaged with the wider community and health professionals in the city.

·       Adults can independently search for localised and national provider services to help them understand their mental health and to access services independently.

·       Solid links and integration to the Sheffield Suicide Support and Prevention website.

·       Excludes information for Children and Young People.



Publication date: 27/04/2022

Date of decision: 25/04/2022

Effective from: 05/05/2022

Accompanying Documents: