Decision details

Active Travel Neighbourhood ETRO Review: Crookes/Walkley

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director-City Futures setting out an analysis of the effect of the implementation of an 18-month Experimental Traffic Order (ETO) in Crookes, including the results of formal consultation, along with feedback received pre and post formal consultation.


The consultation sought the views of residents, visitors to the area, businesses, local groups, institutions, and statutory groups to inform a decision on whether or not the Council wished to progress towards making the changes permanent or not.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:


       Approve that the elements included in Experimental Traffic Orders are made permanent in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984:




1.    Prohibition of Motor Vehicles on parts of Hands Road (at the junction with Leamington Street and Townend Street) and Newent Lane, with the extent of the restriction shortened on Newent Lane as detailed.

2.    Prohibition of Motor Vehicles except authorised vehicles and permit holders (School Streets) Monday to Friday 8.15-9.15am and 2.45-3.45pm at Westways Primary School on Mona Avenue and Mona Road.

3.    One Ways on Mona Avenue and part of Mona Road.

4.    No Waiting at Any Time on parts of Cobden Place, Cobden View Road, Hands Road, Leamington Street, Matlock Road, Melbourn Road, Mona Avenue, Pickmere Road, Romsdal Road, Sackville Road, Slinn Street, Townend Street and Warwick Terrace is made permanent, with the extent of the restrictions shortened or not wholly implemented on Cobden View Road, Romsdal Road and Sackville Road as detailed.

5.    No Waiting Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on part of Western Road.

6.    Amendment to Permit Holder Parking Places on Crookesmoor Road.




1.    Prohibition of Motor Vehicles on parts of Fir Street, Highton Street and Matlock Road (western end).

2.    One Way on parts of Greenhow Street and Heavygate Avenue.

3.    No Waiting at Any Time on parts of Camm Street, Greenhow Street, Heavygate Avenue, Highton Street and Matlock Road is made permanent, with the extent of the restrictions shortened or not wholly implemented on Matlock Road as detailed.


       Approve that only the elements listed above under ‘Crookes’ and ‘Walkley’ are implemented on street on a permanent basis. Officers will take forward the revocation of all elements of the ETOs not listed above.

       Approve that physical works to make these changes permanent are designed and implemented and that until then the temporary materials creating the closures/one way are retained.

       Note that, if the above elements are made permanent, objectors will be informed accordingly and the Council will write to all properties within the boundary of the consultation area to inform them of the decisions.

       Approve the development of permanent options for pedestrian crossing facilities near the junction of Crookes/ School Road, Cookesmoor/ Conduit Road and at Heavygate Road/ Heavygate Avenue through normal procedures – these elements are not subject to an ETO.




Reasons for Decision


In general, the data does not support the general perception, and the council is tasked and supported through various strategies and polices to create better places live, provide transport options, and tackle the climate issues.




It is recommended that the Council make permanent the current interventions as they stand.


This includes:

       Prohibition of Motor Vehicles on parts of Hands Road (at the junction with Leamington Street and Townend Street) and Newent Lane, with the extent of the restriction shortened on Newent Lane as detailed.

       Prohibition of Motor Vehicles except authorised vehicles and permit holders (School Streets) Monday to Friday 8.15-9.15am and 2.45-3.45pm at Westways Primary School on Mona Avenue and Mona Road.

       One Ways on Mona Avenue and part of Mona Road.

       No Waiting at Any Time on parts of Cobden Place, Cobden View Road, Hands Road, Leamington Street, Matlock Road, Melbourn Road, Mona Avenue, Pickmere Road, Romsdal Road, Sackville Road, Slinn Street, Townend Street and Warwick Terrace is made permanent, with the extent of the restrictions shortened or not wholly implemented on Cobden View Road, Romsdal Road and Sackville Road as detailed below

       Romsdal Road - keep the double yellow lines on western side at junction with Sackville Road

       Cobden View Road - keep the double yellow lines at junction with Cobden Place but not the extended ones at the junction with Springvale Road.

       Sackville Road - Keep all double yellow lines except on eastern side adjoining Romsdal Road

       No Waiting Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on part of Western Road.

       Amendment to Permit Holder Parking Places on Crookesmoor Road.


Only the measures in place (and listed above) will be implemented on street on a permanent basis. Officers will therefore look to revoke all elements within the permanent order which are not included above. The revocation process will be subject to the statutory requirements for the modification of traffic regulation orders. It may also be subject to a further decision by the committee where that is necessary (per the requirements of the Council’s constitution).


There is general support for most measures that remain. Only the Sackville Road/Pickmere Road filter continues to generate correspondence and this intervention stands in isolation now that all the others have been removed.






The interventions have pushed some traffic onto boundary roads, but there has been significant reduction on traffic using the residential roads that have been treated. This, coupled with historical interventions east of South Road means we can start to develop a network of ATNs that could be linked further east toward the strategic A61 corridor, and Hillsborough centre.


The recommended option is to make permanent the measures that are currently in place as below:

       Prohibition of Motor Vehicles on parts of Fir Street, Highton Street and Matlock Road (western end).

       One Way on parts of Greenhow Street and Heavygate Avenue.

       No Waiting at Any Time on parts of Camm Street, Greenhow Street, Heavygate Avenue, Highton Street and Matlock Road is made permanent, with the extent of the restrictions shortened or not wholly implemented on eastern side of Matlock Road between Fulton Road and Heavygate Road


Only the measures in place (and listed above) will be implemented on street on a permanent basis. Officers will therefore look to revoke all elements within the permanent order which are not included above. The revocation process will be subject to the statutory requirements for the modification of traffic regulation orders. It may also be subject to a further decision by the committee where that is necessary (per the requirements of the Council’s constitution).




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Conclude the Experiment


For both areas, returning everything back to as it was in April 2022. This would

be counterproductive to central and local government policy and objectives




Publication date: 20/09/2023

Date of decision: 20/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 20/09/2023 - Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: