Decision Maker: North Local Area Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
The following decision was
taken on Tuesday 26 September 2023 by the
North Local Area Committee.
The Terms of Reference for Local Area
Committees (LACs) provide that each LAC must agree a
Community Plan setting priorities for the area of the committee,
monitor delivery of that plan and keep it under review, and that
the decisions it makes in relation to funding must fit with the
priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement
with the community.
Through public consultation, the North LAC has
developed a new draft Community Plan for 2023/24 that seeks to
identify the key issues within the area and develop a series of
priorities that will inform the direction of the LAC, and direct
the spending of delegated budgets, where the LAC has authority to
do so.
the North Local Area Committee:-
Approves the North Community Plan as a statement of the priorities
of the area, subject to any amendments being agreed by Members at
the meeting on 26th
September 2023.
Authorises the Community Services Manager to produce a final
version of the Community Plan document, incorporating any
amendments approved by the LAC at its meeting of 26th
September 2023, and to publish it on the webpages of the North
Local Area Committee; and
Notes that future LAC decisions relating to funding
must fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and
following engagement with the community.
Reasons For Decision
The proposal to approve the North LAC Community
Plan is recommended on the basis that the Plan provides a clear
framework in how the LAC will direct its resources to address key
issues identified through community consultation.
Alternatives Considered And
A key element in establishing LACs is the
principle that each LAC will develop a Community Plan. An
alternative would have been to retain the previous plan but it is important to carry out fresh
consultation and update plans to ensure they are an up to date
summary of local issues and priorities. The proposed plan builds
upon the previous plan agreed in March 2022 and the work that has
taken place since it was adopted.
Publication date: 28/09/2023
Date of decision: 26/09/2023
Decided at meeting: 26/09/2023 - North Local Area Committee
Accompanying Documents: