Decision details

Establishing a New Partner City Policy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The Executive Director City Futures submitted a report in respect of the establishment of a new Partner City Policy.


Sheffield City Council does not currently have any formal Policy in place in respect of responding to approaches to establish new international relationships through such mechanisms as Twinning (sometimes referred to as Sister City agreements), through to entering into such things as Friendship or Collaborative agreements.


The Council regularly receives approaches to forge new relationships, whether this is to enter into specific agreements or simply to host a visiting delegation.


There is a need for clear objectives and decision-making criteria for entering into any Twinning / Sister City agreements or developing new less formal international links; identifying outputs and outcomes and the potential to link with key partners to help achieve wider benefits for the city and its residents.


With limited time and resources, deciding on what opportunities to pursue, requires transparent and consistent decision-making criteria. Such criteria should provide quantifiable value to the City and its residents, and be kept under review.  Whilst we may choose to maintain existing relationships, new opportunities for city partnership working will inevitably arise. Given Sheffield’s broad range of existing international links, with a variety of terminology in place, the purpose of this report is to propose the creation of a clear Partner City Policy, so called to ensure consideration of each of these different types of arrangements, and to provide a framework.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-



(a) approves the proposals for a Partner City Policy, as set out within Appendix 1 of the report now submitted; and


(b) authorises the General Counsel and Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Executive Director City Futures to finalise the policy based upon the proposals (as currently set out within Appendix 1) and any observations made by the Committee.




Reasons for Decision




Implementation of a Partner City Policy, once approved, would seek to address a current gap within the Council’s procedures, ensuring that there is a degree of rigour in our assessment of new approaches and that decisions are taken that are fully informed.




Intended outcomes are such that where Sheffield chooses to enter into new international partnerships, the new relationship will have been thoroughly considered in respect of such aspects as: existing synergies; the potential benefits to each party; resource requirements; reputational aspects and potential alignment to key stakeholder activities and strategies.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The alternative option is to retain the status quo and not have any form of stated policy. For the reasons outlined elsewhere in this report, this is not considered be an appropriate position to continue with, either for the Council, nor for any potential cities that may wish to consider entering into a formal relationship with the City.


Report author: Nik Hamilton

Publication date: 22/11/2023

Date of decision: 20/11/2023

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: