Decision details

Operational Services - Contract Procurement - Supply of Liquid Fuels

Decision Maker: Director of Operational Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


To detail the approach to the commissioning and procurement of a contract for the supply of liquid fuels for the Council.  The procurement in this report is for goods/services that are a commonly recurring requirement of the Council. The report will specify the contract renewal with a brief description of the contract including the value, the proposed procurement strategy, the method of funding and the date for renewal.  The purpose of the report is to provide sufficient information for the Director of Operational Services to provide authority for the procurement to be undertaken.


·       Approve the commission of liquid fuels services from an external provider for a period of 2 years and an estimated value of £3,300,000 as set out in this report.


·       Approve the procurement strategy to participate in a mini competition using the Crown Commercial Services National Fuels 2 framework RM6177 and award a contract to the successful bidder for the supply of Liquid Fuels, as set out in the report.

Reasons for the decision:

The decision will help enable the Council to continue to provide transport services to staff and citizens of Sheffield.  The procurement of the contract will ensure the Council is operating in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and achieving best value in its procurement of the services.

Alternative options considered:

Do nothing – this is not an option as the Council has the ongoing requirement for the supply of liquid fuels. The existing contract is due to expire.


Self-Deliver - this is not an option; the service has neither the capacity nor expertise to self-deliver these products.


Further extend existing contract – this is not an option, a contract extension is not available. As ever, Council must adhere to the Public Contract Regulations (2015) thus further variations (value and duration) are not deemed easily reconcilable with the provisions set out within PCR.

Publication date: 13/11/2023

Date of decision: 10/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: