Decision details

2022/23 Sheffield City Council Charity Accounts

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The committee considered a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services to present the 2022/23 Sheffield City Council Charity Accounts, to communicate any relevant matters arising from the external auditors’ independent examination, and to conclude the examination, by requesting that Trustee approval is given by signing the Letter of Management Representations, the Statement of Accounts and the Annual Trustees Report.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustees Sub-Committee:-

·       notes the 2022/23 Sheffield City Council Charity Accounts and outcome of the external auditor’s independent examination undertaken by Rogers Spencer Ltd Chartered Accountants.

·       approves the 2022/23 Charity Accounts and authorises the Chair of the Charity Trustees Sub-Committee to sign the Statement of Accounts, Trustee Report and Letter of Management Representations to conclude the external auditor’s independent examination subject to their being updated to

Ø  reflect that the committee collectively discharges the responsibilities of the Council as a trustee

Ø  remove wording relating to Firth Park from the High Hazels Notes to the Financial Statements

Ø  remove any reference to the ‘Leaders Scheme of Delegation’

Ø  replace any reference to Councillor Bryan Lodge with Councillor Ian Auckland

Ø  amend the date of change to the committee system to May 2022


Note: Councillor Naz had left the room and did not take part in this vote


Reasons for Decision


The Committee, acting as Trustee, were satisfied with the accounts and as Trustee, if so satisfied, are required to approve the financial statements in order to provide audit assurance that their obligations as trustees to the charities have been met and subsequently conclude the external audit independent examination process, allowing for publication of the annual returns with the Charity Commission.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


If they had concerns/questions, then the Committee could have declined to approve the accounts until they were satisfied with them.  That was not necessary on this occasion.




Publication date: 31/01/2024

Date of decision: 22/01/2024

Decided at meeting: 22/01/2024 - Charity Trustee Sub-Committee

Accompanying Documents: