Decision details

Climate Statement

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The Housing Decarbonisation Manager introduced the report which aimed to present the Council’s Housing Policy Committee Climate Statement for consideration by the Housing Policy to ensure that the proposed actions are reflected in the work programme of the committee. The Housing Policy Committee climate statement seeks to:


1.     Respond to the Annual Climate Progress Report 2022/23 in a timely manner.

2.     Restate the cross-party council commitment to taking what action we can to address the climate emergency, adapt our city and council for a changing climate and reduce emissions to achieve our ambition to be a net zero city and council by 2030.

3.      Increase understanding of the impact climate change will have on committees, the opportunities that tackling climate change offers, and the contribution to climate and net zero action each committee is currently making and needs to make moving forward.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-


1.     Consider the Statement of Climate Commitments relevant to the Housing Policy Committee and note the contents of the report.

2.     Note that the Statement of Climate Commitments should form a part of all decisions coming to the committee as part of its duty to consider the climate impact of individual decisions.

3.     Request that a report is brought back to the June meeting on the progress of the delivery of the Statement of Climate Commitment’s and a presentation of what additional items are required to meet the Statement of Climate Commitments.


Reasons for Decision


It is important that the response to the Annual Climate Progress Report is open and transparent in setting out the challenges which the local authority faces in making progress and clarifies future expectations on the part we all have to play in addressing climate change.



Committee do not currently have specific strategic goals for climate. The process required to develop these, and have the statements approved to be read at each committee meeting meant that option 5.2 was not feasible with the available resource and timeframe.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not providing committee climate statements considered due to the resource required to collate.



Providing more detailed Committee Climate Statements that provided an overview of strategic climate goals, with each Chair then reading the committees statement publicly at their respective committee meeting following release of the report.


Publication date: 06/02/2024

Date of decision: 26/01/2024

Decided at meeting: 26/01/2024 - Housing Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: