Decision details

Sheffield Care Sector Workforce Development Strategy 2023-2026 Update

Decision status: Recommendations Approved
































The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided an update on progress made with the Care Sector Workforce Development Strategy 2023-2026 which was endorsed by the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee in March 2023. This update was in line with the Cycle of Assurance approved in June 2023.


The Strategy set out a vision for the future of Adult Social Care and explained how the directorate would work towards addressing some of the systemic issues affecting the Adult Social Care workforce.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-


1. Endorses progress made with implementing the Care Sector Workforce Development Strategy 2023 – 2026.

2. Notes that a Care Sector Workforce Strategy Workshop Session will be organised in 2024 to involve and engage Social Care Providers, Voluntary Sector and Academia in further developing our approach to workforce development, wellbeing and including agreement of shared workforce standards.

3. Notes that a Sheffield Adult Workforce Celebration & Recognition Event will be launched in 2024 to celebrate good practice and learning.

4. Notes the intended commissioning strategy for a Sheffield Health and Social Care Academy.

5. Endorses the Sheffield City Council Adults Care & Wellbeing Being Healthy at Work Plan 2024-2025.
6. Requests that the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing continues to provide the Committee with updates on progress against the Strategy on a six-monthly basis, including updates made based on ongoing learning.


The report was noted by the Adult Health and Social Care Committee.


Publication date: 06/02/2024

Date of decision: 31/01/2024

Decided at meeting: 31/01/2024 - Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: