Decision details

Council Plan

Decision status: For Determination



The Chief Executive presented a report setting out a final draft of an ambitious four-year Council Plan for Sheffield City Council following public consultation. 

The Council Plan aligns directly to our four-year Medium Term Financial Strategy. The new Plan sets out a clear mission statement for the organisation – ‘together we get things done’ - and five strategic outcomes for the organisation.

The commitments in the new Plan are our contribution to deliver Sheffield’s City Goals, ensuring that we will always put people at the heart of what we do and prioritise the long-term prosperity of the city, leading the transition to net zero economy while protecting our treasured local environment.

Since the committee endorsed the draft Plan in December, citizens, employees and partners have given their views via the Have Your Say Sheffield hub and a summary of this feedback is included in the report and in Appendix 2.

The Council Plan has been updated to reflect the feedback we have received and this is in Appendix 1.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(i) notes and thank citizens, employees and partners for comments and insights provided on the draft Council Plan as part of the Council Plan and Budget Conversation;


(ii) notes the updates and amendments that have been made in line with the feedback on the draft Council Plan; and


(iii) recommends the proposed Council Plan, as set out in Appendix 1, to Full Council for consideration at its meeting on 6th March 2024.



Reasons for Decision




The Council Plan provides a clear and positive statement of purpose and ambition for the whole council. It is aligned to our four-year Medium Term Financial Strategy and the draft outcomes will increasingly become the focus for our budget and Directorate Plans over the coming year.




Following consultation, the recommendation to Strategy and Resources Policy  Committee will enable Full Council to consider the proposed Plan alongside the proposed 2024/25 Budget in March 2024.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




a) do nothing – rejected – as set out in the Strategic Framework 2023/24, we are committed to developing and agreeing a medium-term plan for the council that sets out what we want to achieve for the city in the coming years and how we will contribute to the City Goals.  The Council Plan is part of our Policy Framework and a critical step in our continued development as an organisation, connecting the ambitions and priorities of the administration to our Medium-Term Financial Strategy, workforce plans, Council Performance Framework, and Directorate Plans.  It also ensures that we deliver on one of the key recommendations of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge, further demonstrating our strategic development and maturity as an organisation.




b) extend the Corporate Delivery Plan – rejected – the Corporate Delivery Plan has provided vital stability and focus for the organisation over the last year, building on the One Year Plan, and bringing clear focus onto a number of key challenges that citizens wanted to see improve.  However, the Corporate Delivery Plan was deliberately short term and as recommended by the LGA Peer Team, it is important to bring medium-term focus for the Council so that citizens, staff and partners understand our priorities and ambitions.


Report author: James Henderson

Publication date: 28/02/2024

Date of decision: 21/02/2024

Decided at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Strategy and Resources Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: