Decision details

Youth Justice Service - Appropriate Adult Service

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The Head of Commissioning, Children and Families introduced the report which sought approval for the procurement of the sub-regional Appropriate Adult Service which will be procured by Sheffield on behalf of Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, and Doncaster Youth Justice Services (South Yorkshire Local Authorities). The service will be monitored by the Sheffield City Council Children and Families Commissioning Service on behalf of the sub-region. The service has been delivered by the current Provider since April 2021 and the contract is due to end on 30th November 2024. The current service provider provides the service on behalf of Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, and Doncaster Youth Justice Services.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Education, Children and Families Policy Committee:-


  1. Approves the re-procurement of an external provider to deliver an Appropriate Adult Service as part of a joint commission with Rotherham, Barnsley, and Doncaster Youth Justice Services. The total value of the contract (including contributions from the South Yorkshire Local Authorities) is £1,400,000. The estimated total cost to Sheffield City Council over 4 years is £798,000, as set out in this report.



Reasons for Decision


To support the development of a consistent service delivery and key services across the sub-region that supports the statutory requirements of the youth justice teams. By the four regional youth justices services joining together in a single contract (as joint contracting parties each being solely responsible for their respective service areas) for the appropriate adult service we are ensuring best value for money and cost effectiveness, and will be better able to achieve a higher standard of service throughout the region which is consistent with each YJS regions delivery plan as well as the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan. There is a statutory requirement set out within the national standards for the delivery of youth justice services which are subject to an inspection and audit regime for the provision of an Appropriate Adult Service, and these are as set out within the contract.


To note the contents of this report and approve the strategy for Integrated Commissioning to commission the Appropriate Adult Service to the sub[1]regions Youth Justice Services.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do nothing is not an option, the provision of this Service is a statutory duty for SCC.



Deliver the service in-house – we currently do not have the expertise or capacity to deliver the service in-house Due to time constraints for recruitment plus the additional complexities of providing the service for multiple local authorities, SCC does not have sufficient capacity to provide a single service and it is not economically viable to recruit additional resource in order to do so. The procurement of an external provider using combined resource across the region from all South Yorkshire councils benefits from the economies of scale.



Procure an external provider for SCC only – this will not allow for joined up working across local authorities who have the same requirements from the service. It will also restrict the ability to benefit from economies of scale that come from multi-local authority commissioning.



Procure an external provider for South Yorkshire Local Authorities - this joined up approach would maximise the interest and competition from the market thereby generating better value for money and efficiencies


Report author: Amy Buddery

Publication date: 04/09/2024

Date of decision: 31/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 31/07/2024 - Education, Children and Families Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: