Decision Maker: Director of Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
The report seeks approval to vary the proportion of properties advertised to Band D as outlined in section 4.25 of the Allocations Policy. The Report will outline the current position, and rationale, for this decision.
It is recommended that the Interim Director of Housing:
Approves a variation to the proportion of properties advertised to Band D from the current 1 in 4, to 1 in 10, as outlined in section 4.25 of the Allocations Policy to take effect from 26th September 2024.
Agrees that 6 months after the implementation of this decision a data and evidenced based review shall be undertaken by the Council to analyse and assess the impact the variation has made. The outcome of the review shall then be presented back to the Director of Housing (or Interim Director of Housing) for consideration.
The reason for this decision is to reflect the increase of households who have been awarded priority rehousing, and the need for the Council to ensure it is able to meet its statutory duties and make the best use of social housing stock in the city. This includes homeless households accommodated by the Council and those owed a legal duty by the Council to help them secure accommodation. The Council must ensure that its allocations scheme follows the law, and that the majority of its properties are allocated to those who are in a reasonable preference (have been awarded priority) category. Other than this the Council can apply other criteria to its scheme to meet local need. A change to the ratio of social houses allocated to Bands A-C will, under the current Allocations Policy, support the Council in being able to more effectively discharge its legal duties, and support vulnerable households with a recognised housing need.
Authority to vary the proportion of properties advertised to Band (A-C) and those advertised to Band D is delegated to the Director of Housing under section 4.25 of the Allocations Policy which states:
4.25 How we decide which band a property will be advertised to
A proportion of the
properties advertised will give preference to households with
priority (Bands A-C) and a proportion will give preference to
households with (Band D). Properties selected will be taken from
each type and size of property on each estate, as and when they
become available. To enable us to meet our statutory duties and
balance priorities this proportion may vary over time. Four
bedroom, adapted and other properties suitable for people with
mobility needs are not included in this.
The appropriately authorised director responsible for housing within the Council will determine the exact proportions and any changes will be openly advertised on our website. This will be reviewed on at least an annual basis.
The alternative would be for the Council to continue with the current proportion. However, doing so would mean a continued increase in the number of people in a reasonable preference category waiting to be rehoused.
This would mean the Council is not able to effectively discharge legal duties owed.
No increase in the number of properties advertised to Bands A-C means it would also take longer to make an offer to homeless households. This increases the number of people accommodated in emergency hotels and B&B’s and also increases their length of stay in these facilities.
Publication date: 24/09/2024
Date of decision: 18/09/2024
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