Decision details

Tramlines and The Fringe at Tramlines 2024 - Economic Impact Report

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures. The report provided an update on the impact and outcomes of the 2024 Tramlines Festive and Fringe at Tramlines events.




Members asked questions around how to improve access to the event for different communities, how possible it was to quantify the impact of the event beyond those contained within the report and how to use the success of Tramlines to increase the number of events hosted in Sheffield. The Service Manager for Major Events stated that they would introduce Members to the Tramlines team to discuss increasing engagement with the event, that they were continuing to consider new ways to analyse the impact of the event and that Sheffield’s reputation as a place to hold events was essential to increasing the number and range of future events in Sheffield.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:


-       Notes the contents of the report

-       Notes and endorses the continued support of the Tramlines Festival and the Fringe at Tramlines

-       Notes the continued contribution of the festival to Sheffield’s economy

-       Notes the continued benefits of the festival to the local community, including those involved in the festival




Reasons for Decision




Committee is asked to note the work carried out by Sheffield City Council, Tramlines festival organisers and Sheffield City Council’s strategic and operational partners. Together they will continue to drive further impact benefits from these two major events.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative Option 1: Do Nothing This option was rejected as Committee would not have received a report setting out the impact of both festivals on the city’s economy and community groups across Sheffield. The Committee would not have been aware of the benefits both these events bring to the city of Sheffield.



Report author: Gary Clifton

Publication date: 06/01/2025

Date of decision: 12/12/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: