Decision status: Recommendations Approved
The Finance and Performance Policy Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which included current, historic and comparator data for Outcome measures. In addition to measure data, the report included more detailed narratives provided by measure owners on strengths and challenges.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -
- Note the Council Plan Outcomes Framework Q2 Report the measures that evidence our improvements and show distance travelled against each Council plan priority - Agree to continue to receive quarterly reports that provide an overview of performance against the Outcome measures, describing performance strengths, challenges, interventions taken, and the results of changes made - Consider, and ask all other policy committees to consider, if issues raised in this performance report should have further scrutiny through the scheduling of time on the appropriate committee work programme
9.3 |
Reasons for Decision
The Outcomes Framework underpins how we measure progress and monitor impact of the Council Plan. It is aligned to our four-year Medium Term Financial Strategy and the outcomes will increasingly become the focus for our budget, Directorate and Service Plans. |
9.3.2 |
The Council Plan Outcomes Framework 2 performance provides measurable evidence of distance travelled against the Council Plan as part of a systematic process of robust corporate performance reporting. |
9.3.3 |
To ensure that Finance & Performance Policy Committee contributes to the performance management process and drives improvement across the organisation. |
9.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
9.4.1 |
Previous decisions made requires officers to proceed with implementing the full performance framework to underpin how we measure progress and monitor impact of the Council Plan. It is aligned to our four-year Medium Term Page 52 Financial Strategy and the outcomes will increasingly become enabling elements for our priority-based budget plans, Directorate and Service going forwards and set a key deliverable for the Council.
Beyond some nuance of how we implement some details of the framework, the measures, performance system and reporting cycles are agreed, removing the alternative options available for implementation of the framework. |
Publication date: 09/01/2025
Date of decision: 16/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Accompanying Documents: