Decision details

Sheffield's Working: Sheffield's Employment Programme 16-17

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


This employment support programme will target those individuals that have significant barriers and disadvantages and that the council has a statutory obligation for and/or are identified in the corporate plan and its supporting strategies. These include the councils role as corporate parent for care leavers, the duty of resettlement for Young Offenders and other vulnerable groups:


·         People in receipt of Employment Support Allowance or with a disability or health condition

·         Adults with learning disabilities


The programme will build on our experience and evidence of effectiveness of the last six years delivering employment programmes.


The Cabinet Member for Business and Economy approves:-



a)    Sheffield’s Working Programme 2016 - 2017 as set out in the report;


b)    that the award of the grants in respect of Autism Centre for Supported Employment and the First Step Trust, detailed in the report, be approved;


c)    that the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families be authorised to agree the terms and authorise the completion of the grant agreement in respect of proposed grant to Autism Centre for Supported Employment and First Step Trust together with any other associated agreements or arrangements that she considers appropriate; and

d)    that the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families be authorised to agree the terms and authorise the completion of all contracts for services in respect of the projects detailed in this report, together with any other associated agreements or arrangements that she considers appropriate.


Reasons for the decision:

The Sheffield’s Working Programme will directly support vulnerable residents to find and sustain employment.


The activities and outcomes of the programme will directly contribute to the delivery of the Corporate Plan:


           A Strong and Competitive Economy

           Tackling Poverty and Increasing Social Justice


The recommendations therefore seek approval for the Programme, as detailed in the report.  Two of the projects, under the Programme, involve the award of grants to third sector organisations, and the recommendations seek approval for these awards and authority to the Executive Director, CYPF, to negotiate and enter the grant agreements with the recipients of the grant.  The other projects are to be delivered by external providers and the recommendations seek approval for the Executive Director, CYPF to have authority to negotiate and enter the service agreements with the providers.

Alternative options considered:

In house Council delivery

The Council is not in the position to deliver the wide range of outcomes as described in the report.


Not to fund the programme

If the Council did not fund this programme, activity would not be delivered and outcomes for vulnerable people not achieved.


Publication date: 04/08/2016

Date of decision: 04/08/2016

Effective from: 11/08/2016

Accompanying Documents: