Decision status: Recommendations Approved
The report seeks to continue a contribution from Sheffield City Council to support the operation of South Yorkshire Safety Cameras, which works under the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership.
(a) approval be given for a contribution of £144,400 for 2018/19 from Sheffield City Council towards funding the work of South Yorkshire Safety Cameras, which operates under the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership, in line with this report; and
(b) authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Commercial Services to enter into such agreement, if necessary under the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership, in line with this report.
The need to maintain an effective safety camera operation, which has (as part of a package of measures) helped South Yorkshire Safety Cameras secure our safer roads outcome, monitored by a lower number of injuries due to road traffic collisions.
Due to the Council’s current commitment to the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership, no alternative options are currently being considered.
Publication date: 23/01/2019
Date of decision: 16/01/2019
Effective from: 30/01/2019
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