Decision status: Recommendations Approved
To enter into a new agreement for supported living accommodation including provision for nominations by the Council to vacancies, the relationship with support providers and payments by the Council if Guinness incurs loss of income because of voids lasting longer than six weeks.
(a) the Council enters into a single nomination and voids agreement with the Guinness Partnership Limited (Guinness), in the form attached to the report, for the provision of supported living accommodation for the four sites outlined in the report;
(b) the Director of Adult Services is authorised to negotiate future variation of Schedule 2 to the agreement to include other learning disabilities schemes, if appropriate, in consultation with the Cabinet Member;
(c) the Director of Adult Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, is authorised to take such steps as necessary to implement these proposals as outlined in the report; and
(d) a payment of £62,389.18 is made to Guinness in respect of void losses incurred at Handsworth and Mansfield View since January 2017, for the reasons outlined in the report.
The Guinness Partnership is positive about continuing to provide supported living accommodation for people with learning disabilities and the Council wishes to continue working with Guinness on the same basis. Entering into an agreement about these schemes, with the flexibility to include new schemes in the future if the need arises, brings clarity and regularises the arrangements.
The alternative to entering into a new agreement for supported living accommodation with Guinness for all schemes is to continue with the status quo for Newfield Farm Close and Brindley Crescent and either to incorporate Handsworth and Mansfield View into the existing agreement, to enter into a new agreement for one or both of these two schemes only, or to have no agreement for these two schemes. These options were rejected, as having an agreement brings clarity and regularises the arrangements, but the current agreement is out of date.
Publication date: 22/11/2019
Date of decision: 19/11/2019
Effective from: 29/11/2019
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