Decision details

Maintaining a Stable Adult Social Care Market in Sheffield

Decision Maker: Co-operative Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


The report describes the Council’s approach to proposing fair and sustainable fee rates for independent sector care homes, home care, extra care and supported living for the financial year 2020-2021.




The Executive Director, People Services submitted a report seeking approval for the amended fair and sustainable fee rates for independent sector care home, home care, extra care and supported living providers in Sheffield for the financial year 2020-21. The report sets out the process that the Council has followed to propose the fair and sustainable fee rates.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-


(a) approves an increase to the fee rate of 4.9% for standard rate care Homes;


(b) approves an increase to the fee rates of 5.54% for home care, extra care (care element only) and supported living providers on the Council’s standard contracted and framework rate;


(c) approves an increase to fee rates of 3% for non-standard residential care subject to contractual compliance;


(d) delegates authority to the Executive Director of People in consultation with the Director of Adult Services and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families and Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care to agree any appropriate and proportionate fee increases requested by recipients of Direct Payments on a case-by-case basis;


(e) delegates authority to the Executive Director of People in consultation with the Director of Adult Services and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families and Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care to agree any appropriate and proportionate fee increases requested by care homes outside Sheffield because cost pressures will vary from place to place;


(f) approves a comprehensive strategic review of the older adult care home sector in the city, to be sponsored by the Executive Director and Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care to commence in April 2020 with conclusions and recommendations to be reported to Cabinet in the Autumn of 2020 in alignment with the Council’s budget planning process; and


(g) delegates authority to the Executive Director of People in consultation with the Director of Adult Services and the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families and Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care to take all other necessary steps not covered by existing delegations to achieve the outcomes outlined in this Report.



Reasons for Decision


In order to develop and maintain a stable adult social care market in Sheffield the Council need to ensure that the fees paid by the Council to providers for adult social care in the city of Sheffield are increased in line with the cost of delivering care in the city, including inflationary pressures in 2020/21.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The Council originally consulted in December 2019 on a proposed fee increase based on a lower increase in minimum wage. Following the feedback from providers since the actual increase was announced by Government mid way through the consultation, the Council has reflected on the feedback and the risk to the market of not accommodating this increased pressure and is proposing a rate that is based on the application of this full increase to ALL staffing costs. This is more than in previous years and reflects further feedback from providers that maintaining wage differentials between front line and senior staff as well as keeping pace with minimum wage for admin and ‘hotel’ staff is key to attracting and retaining good management staff and sustaining quality provision.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation



John Macilwraith, Executive Director, People




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Children, Young People and Family Support.


Report author: Joe Horobin

Publication date: 19/03/2020

Date of decision: 18/03/2020

Decided at meeting: 18/03/2020 - Co-operative Executive

Effective from: 26/03/2020

Accompanying Documents: