Decision Maker: Leader of the Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
This report seeks approval of the Sheffield Partnership Street Tree Working Strategy as a supplement to the Sheffield Trees and Woodlands Strategy 2018-22, published by the Council in December 2018.
That the Leader of the Council:
• approves the new Sheffield Partnership Street Tree Working Strategy as the basis for the approach to the future management of the city’s street trees, noting that the intention is to review the working strategy after one year;
• approves the actions in the working strategy as the programme of work for the first year;
• approves the proposal to establish an ongoing Sheffield Street Tree Partnership to drive delivery of the actions in the working strategy and keep it under review; and
• that at least one representative from Sheffield City Council is a member of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership.
The recommendations are made on the basis that:
This honours the commitment made by the Council, Amey and STAG in the Joint Position Statement and the Trees and Woodlands Strategy 2018-33
The working strategy and the actions to deliver it represent a balance between sustaining and enhancing the benefits of the city’s street trees, and the need to protect the public, property and other street infrastructure from any hazards presented by street trees
The information about the benefits and value of street trees will enable realistic cost-benefit analyses to be made that account for the value of the benefits provided by street trees, and the arboricultural or engineering solutions available to try to retain them
All partners mentioned in the strategy, including the Council, commit to delivering the actions assigned to them.
Two alternative options are:
• No new street tree strategy
• Maintain and manage the highway network without taking account of the value of the benefits provided by street trees in decisions about whether to retain or replace them.
Neither of these options would be in line with the commitment set out in the Joint Position Statement agreed between Sheffield City Council, Amey and STAG to develop an exemplary new street tree strategy for Sheffield.
Publication date: 19/03/2020
Date of decision: 19/03/2020
Effective from: 26/03/2020
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