Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
To obtain a decision on the future provision of:-
These Services support the statutory delivery of youth justice
services by:-
Each of the services is outlined in a separate report (attached).
Provision of a Reparation and Unpaid Work Service
That authority be delegated to the Director of Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning, in consultation with the Director of Children and Families, the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, and the Director of Legal and Governance, as appropriate, and in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, to:-
(a) determine and approve a procurement strategy for the pre-procurement of a sub-regional Reparation and Unpaid Work Contract, as outlined in the report;
(b) award the Contract to the Provider who has submitted the best value for money tender based on our specification and quality requirements for young people; and
(c) take any actions necessary to ensure the continuation of service delivery arrangements with the existing supplier under the terms and conditions applied in their contract until such date that contracts procured for successor service delivery arrangements commence.
Provision of a Victim Engagement and Support Service
That authority be delegated to the Director of Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning, in consultation with the Director of Children and Families, the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, and the Director of Legal and Governance, as appropriate, and in liaison with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, to:-
(a) determine and approve a procurement strategy for the pre-procurement of a sub-regional Victim Engagement and Support Contract, as outlined in the report;
(b) award the Contract to the Provider who has submitted the best value for money tender based on our specification and quality requirements for young people; and
(c) take any actions necessary to ensure the continuation of service delivery arrangements with the existing supplier under the terms and conditions applied in their contract until such date that contracts procured for successor service delivery arrangements commence.
Provision of a Reparation and Unpaid Work Service
To support the development of a consistent service delivery and key services across the sub-region that supports the statutory requirements of the youth justice teams. By the three service areas joining together in a single contract and in addition to ensuring best value for money and cost effectiveness, we will be better able to achieve a consistent and higher standard of service throughout the region which is consistent with each district’s delivery plan as well as the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan. There is a statutory requirement set out within the national standards for the delivery of youth justice services which are subject to an inspection and audit regime for the provision of restorative justice and victim services and these are as set out within the contract.
To note the contents of the report and approve the strategy for Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning (CILS) to be able to conduct a full sub-regional tender exercise for the provision of a Reparation and Unpaid Work Support Service to the sub-region’s Youth Justice Services.
Provision of a Victim Engagement and Support Service
To support the development of a consistent service delivery and key services across the sub-region that supports the statutory requirements of the youth justice teams. By the three service areas joining together in a single contract and in addition to ensuring best value for money and cost effectiveness, we will be better able to achieve a consistent and higher standard of service throughout the region which is consistent with each district’s delivery plan as well as the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan. There is a statutory requirement set out within the national standards for the delivery of youth justice services which are subject to an inspection and audit regime for the provision of restorative justice and victim services and these are set out within the contract.
To note the contents of the report and approve the strategy for Commissioning, Inclusion and Learning (CILS) to be able to conduct a full sub-regional tender exercise for the provision of a Victim Engagement and Support Service to the sub-region’s Youth Justice Services.
Provision of a Reparation and Unpaid Work Service
The provision of this Service is a legislative requirement, and due consideration has been given to alternative methods of delivery including bringing the Service in-house or running a Sheffield only tender.
We currently do not have the expertise or capacity to deliver this service in-house. The current Provider has many links with local organisations and charities that offer Reparation placements. Therefore, it was determined that the most cost effective option would be a collective collaboratively procured approach on the open market, through an open tender, as this would maximise the interest and competition and thereby return the most economically advantageous tender.
Provision of a Victim Engagement and Support Service
The provision of this Service is a legislative requirement, and due consideration has been given to alternative methods of delivery including bringing the Service in-house or running a Sheffield only tender.
It was determined that the most cost effective option would be a collective collaboratively procured approach on the open market, through an open tender, as this would maximise the interest and competition and thereby return the most economically advantageous tender.
Publication date: 16/04/2020
Date of decision: 14/04/2020
Effective from: 23/04/2020
Accompanying Documents: