Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
The NHS Health Check programme is a mandated public health service. The contract with the current provider will end 31st August 2020. Permission is sought to re-procure the programme.
That the Cabinet Member for Children and Families:
(1) approves the re-procurement of the NHS Health check programme in Sheffield through a tender process and in accordance with the details in the report; noting that it is intended that the length of the contract will be 5 years with an estimated contract value of £185,000 per year, although the contract value may fluctuate each year due to the availability of funding and budgets;
(2) delegates authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, to award the said contracts in accordance with the procurement strategy and the details in the report; and
(3) to the extent not already delegated to them by the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation, delegates authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and the Director of Finance and Commercial Services, to take any other decisions necessary in order to meet the aims and objectives of the report.
A tender process is the preferred outcome as it allows for innovation and competition to drive quality improvement and give value for money. The length of contract has been recommended to be 5 years as this allows the provider to invest in the programme to improve quality and performance and realise the benefits. The health check programme is a 5 year programme, so having a contract of the same length is advantageous as it will allow the provider to complete a full health check cycle.
ü Increase number of eligible people being invited for a health check
ü Increase the number of people receiving a health check
ü Reduce health inequalities
ü Improve health and wellbeing
Alternative Option 1- Stop the programme.
Rejected as this would be a breach of the mandate and could have financial and reputational consequences.
Alternative Option 2 - Service redesign.
Rejected as the current model is robust and working well.
Alternative Option 3 - Direct Award to the same provider.
Rejected due to procurement regulations not allowing a direct award under these circumstances. This option would place the Council in breach of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 without first opening the opportunity to the market.
Publication date: 08/07/2020
Date of decision: 02/07/2020
Effective from: 15/07/2020
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