Decision status: Recommendations Approved
The report updates the Council’s waste policies which were last fully reviewed and updated in 2017 as part of the Council’s Waste Contract Review.
That the Cabinet Member for Environment, Streetscene and Climate Change:-
(a) approves the content of the revised policies as set out in the report and the implementation of the revised policies which enable the waste service to provide clear parameters to residents on how waste services will be delivered;
(b) acknowledges that the outcome of the review of collection services ensures compliance with the requirements of The Waste Framework Directive as implemented in England and Wales through the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011; and
(c) delegates authority to the Director of Operational Services, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercial Services and the Director of Legal and Governance, to approve the introduction of a 240 litre blue bin for paper and card.
These policy changes will provide clear parameters to residents as to how Waste services will be delivered in Sheffield, and allow the Council to react immediately on abandoned vehicles which pose a significant health and safety risk, and therefore protects the community.
Alternative Option 1 – Continue to rely on previous policies and reports.
The Council could continue to rely on the previous policies and reports; however they no longer fully reflect the service provided by Veolia. This would leave the Council open to complaints due to the confusion it may cause to residents.
Alternative Option 2 – Continue to provide waste services without the policy changes.
The Council could continue to provide waste services without the policy changes outlined in the report. However this would mean that the Council would be exposed financially and would reduce the Council’s ability to respond to complaints in a timely fashion.
Publication date: 18/09/2020
Date of decision: 17/09/2020
Effective from: 25/09/2020
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