Decision Maker: Co-operative Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
To seek approval of Cabinet, acting as the Trustees of the Hillsborough Park Trust, to the grant of a new lease of land for the siting of container units used for the Cycling for All project.
14.1 |
The Interim Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking the approval of Cabinet, acting as the Charity Trustee of Hillsborough Park (Registered Charity Number 510841) (“the Charity”), to grant a lease of land to Disability Sheffield in connection with its Sheffield Cycling 4 All project. |
14.2 |
RESOLVED: That Cabinet acting as the Charity Trustee of Hillsborough Park:- |
(a) approves the lease of the subject properties to Disability Sheffield based on the terms set out in Appendix 1 of this report;
(b) agrees that the Trustees are satisfied that the proposed terms are the best that can be reasonably obtained in the circumstances based upon consideration of the commercial details in Appendix 1;
(c) approves the grant of a charge over the legal title of the Trust in relation to grant funding as set out in the report; and
(d) authorises the Chief Property Officer in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance to negotiate the terms of the lease with the proposed lessee and the Director of Legal and Governance to prepare and complete all the necessary legal documentation in accordance with the agreed terms and in respect of a charge over title. |
14.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
14.3.1 |
The proposal to grant a lease to Disability Sheffield will achieve:
• Continued provision of all-ability cycling sessions in the safe surroundings of the city’s Hillsborough Park. • Inclusive for the benefit of new and existing users of the park. • Increased community use of the park. • Increased presence in the park which may reduce anti-social behaviour. • Increased income stream for the Trust which can be reinvested in the Park. • Enhancement of the quality and attractiveness of the park as a valuable asset for visitors. • Occupation for the purposes of the charitable objects of the Trust. • Compliance with the provisos contained within the power granted to the Trustee by the Scheme and with the statutory provisions contained within the Act and further with the requirements of the Charity Commission. |
14.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
14.4.1 |
The inclusive cycling project in Sheffield was set in 2009 and when the funding for the project ran out it relaunched as Sheffield Cycling 4 All in 2014 thanks to funding from the Big Lottery and support from the CTC.
Disability Sheffield came on board to help with the running of the project and secured a grant from money raised through The Health Lottery. The funding has enabled Sheffield Cycling 4 All to run year-round sessions and reduce the cost for everyone who comes along. The project now employs a part-time development worker depends upon a team of volunteers.
There is no better option to deliver these services. |
14.5 |
Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted |
None |
14.6 |
Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration |
Appendix 1 of the report is not for publication by virtue of Regulation 20(2) Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 because, in the opinion of the proper officer, it contains exempt information under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. |
14.7 |
Respective Director Responsible for Implementation |
Mick Crofts, Executive Director, Place |
14.8 |
Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In |
Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee |
Report author: Ian Wrightson
Publication date: 18/02/2021
Date of decision: 17/02/2021
Decided at meeting: 17/02/2021 - Co-operative Executive
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