Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Digital Autopsy provides a service that reduces the need for, or level of, further post-mortem examination required. This report seeks approval to enter into a 5-year contract for the provision of digital autopsy to support the coronial service at a cost of £185,000 per annum.
That the Cabinet Member:-
(a) approves the direct award of a service contract as outlined in the report, namely the ongoing provision of a digital autopsy service to support the coronial service; and
(b) delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercial Services and Director of Legal and Governance, to:-
(i) decide the procurement strategy;
(ii) negotiate and agree the terms of the new contract with iGene Digital Autopsy; and
(iii) award the new contract to iGene Digital Autopsy.
Continuation of the service for the residents of Sheffield is considered to benefit all residents of the city through both reduced post-mortem examinations and through faster release of bodies to families. Of the alternative options, options 1 and 2 will both, ultimately, result in scanning for Sheffield being either significantly reduced or ended.
Option 3 would result in significantly increased costs and involve the transport of bodies to and from Bradford.
Option 4 has the possibility to reduce costs, however, the risks involved in this option are considered to be too high to pursue this option and there would be a period where scanning could not be carried out while infrastructure is put in place for this to happen.
A number of alternative options have been considered, which were:-
Option 1: Revert to the original agreement with iGene;
Option 2: End digital Autopsy in Sheffield
Option 3: Enter in to contract with Bradford Council
Option 4: SCC operates its own scanning service
Further details of these options, including their benefits, disbenefits and costs, are set out in the report.
Publication date: 08/03/2021
Date of decision: 08/03/2021
Effective from: 13/03/2021
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