Decision details

SCC Repairs and Maintenance Service: New Access Scaffolding, Towers & MEWP Measured Term Contract.

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes


Procurement of an Access Measured Term Contract to support the in-house Repairs and Maintenance Service manage and deliver day-to-day, planned and emergency works across the corporate and domestic estate.


It is recommended that the Leader


1)    Approves an Access budget of £3,120,000.00


Funded as £2,950,000 from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) & £170,000 from the General Fund.


2)    Approves the Capital Delivery Service tendering the Access Measured Term Contract by competitive tender through Efficiency North’s Dynamic Purchasing System as outlined in this report.


3)    Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Commercial Services and the Director of Legal and Governance to:


a.     decide the award of the new contracts to the successful suppliers chosen by the Council following the procurement.


b.     take all other decisions necessary to meet the aims, objectives and outcomes of this report which are not already covered by existing delegations in the Leaders Scheme of Delegation. 


Reasons for the decision:

Preferred option – to compete 1 long term (6 year) Measured Term Contract via the Efficiency North DPS to best promote the opportunity to Sheffield and Sheffield City Region small medium enterprises.

Alternative options considered:

Do nothing – this is not an option because the Council has the ongoing requirement to ensure its properties are kept in good condition – this will require the use of scaffolding, scaffolding towers, and mobile elevating work platforms.


At present the in-house Repairs and Maintenance Service does not have capacity to meet the existing demand. As detailed in the background of this document.


Further extend existing contracts – this is not an option because the existing access contract let in 2016 have already received a contract extension. As ever, Council must adhere to the Public Contract Regulations (2015) thus further variations (value and duration) are not deemed easily reconcilable with the provisions set out within PCR. 


Council procures via an open tender procedure / framework mini-competition – as the estimated individual contract values exceed £500,000, the Council has the option to compete the opportunities either:

- by openly advertising on YORtender / FTS

- by competing through construction procurement frameworks.


This alternative is not preferred because of the Council priority to support the local economy by developing commercial relationships with local businesses where possible.  Dynamic Purchasing Systems are open market solutions that improved accessibility for small to medium enterprises (SMEs).


Publication date: 10/05/2021

Date of decision: 30/04/2021

Effective from: 15/05/2021

Accompanying Documents: