Decision Maker: Co-operative Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
The report will set out proposals for a new
retail development and how the retention of an existing boxing club
are to be achieved at Manor Top.
The report sought authority to sell Sheffield
Councils land interests in property in the vicinity of Prince of
Wales Road, Queen Mary Road and Riddings Close to enable redevelopment for a food
led retail scheme.
Authority was required to include two vacant
properties currently in the Council’s housing stock at no`s 6
and 8 Prince of Wales Road in the sale as they were required to
facilitate access to the site.
RESOLVED: That Co-operative
It is recommended that the Chief Property Officer in consultation
with the Director of Legal and Governance be authorised to
negotiate final sale terms and conditional contracts to enable the
retail scheme to progress on such land as is required within the
lands edged red coloured pink on the attached plan; and
The Director of Legal and Governance be authorised to draft all
necessary legal documentation for the relevant sale of the land
edged red and coloured pink for retail and the land edged red
coloured pink hatched brown to the developer.
Reasons for
The overall contract with the developer will
enable the Council to achieve a capital receipt, bring forward the
development of a retail scheme, achieve the redevelopment of an
under used former school building and enable the accommodation of a
popular boxing club and community facility.
Considered and Rejected
Do nothing. The former Prince
of Wales school buildings are underused but are in part occupied by
De Hood Boxing Club. The maintenance and running costs of these
dated school buildings are however disproportionately large and
over the longer term the continued occupation of the school
buildings by the boxing club cannot be sustained without ongoing
financial support from SCC.
Maintaining the Boxing Club in
its current location would prevent the retail development at the
site, result in an opportunity cost of £1.8m and require
ongoing running costs of around £20,000pa the cost of which
the council will continue to meet.
Retain the club in its existing
position but on a regularised basis. SCC could compel the Club to
sign up to a lease regularising their current occupation of the
buildings, making the club responsible for running costs and
ongoing maintenance costs.
In addition the retail development would not come
forward and there would be a saving on running and repair costs in
the medium term. In the longer term the buildings would fall into
disrepair and there would be occasional calls for SCC to step in
and provide funding and/ or the buildings would be left
vacant and SCC would ultimately be
liable for their demolition.
Any Interest
Declared or Dispensation Granted
Reason for
Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During
Respective Director
Responsible for Implementation
Executive Director,
Relevant Scrutiny
and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called
Overview and Scrutiny
Management Committee
Report author: David White
Publication date: 18/03/2022
Date of decision: 16/03/2022
Decided at meeting: 16/03/2022 - Co-operative Executive
Effective from: 25/03/2022
Accompanying Documents: