Decision details

Devonshire Quarter: Regeneration Update

Decision status: Recommendations Approved



The Milton St neighbourhood, as identified within the City Centre Strategic Vision, is emerging as a new residential area within the wider Devonshire Quarter. This report provides an update on ongoing regeneration schemes within the area and seeks a steer on a proposed land disposal strategy to ensure a balanced mix of housing. It also considers proposals from the owners of the Grade II* Listed Beehive Works to bring that building back into use as a mixed-use commercial hub at the heart of the neighbourhood.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


1.     notes the progress with housing development shown in the update report at Appendix A,


2.     notes the future land disposal strategy outlined in Appendix B to ensure a balanced mix of housing within the Milton St neighbourhood; and


3.     notes the proposals outlined for Beehive Works at Appendix C and supports the continued work of Council officers with the owners and other partners, including Historic England, to develop a viable business plan to bring the buildings back into commercial use.




Reasons for Decision




Focussing the Council’s future land disposal strategy on achieving a more balanced residential offer aligns with the guiding principles for regeneration in this area as set out in the Priority Neighbourhood Frameworks, which envisage a mixed demographic in the Milton St neighbourhood. The guiding principles emphasise the importance of retaining the former industrial feel – celebrating the historic assets – and the proposed rejuvenation of Beehive Works as a commercial building, including maker spaces, would enhance the sense of place and preserve a historic identity for the emerging neighbourhood.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Rather than balancing the residential offer within the neighbourhood, the Council could focus its disposal strategy – in term of land use and phasing – on maximising capital receipts. However, this may not make the same contribution towards delivering the City Goals, Council Plan or City Centre Strategic Vision.


Publication date: 14/06/2024

Date of decision: 12/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 12/06/2024 - Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: