Decision details

Reallocation of a container to an alternative community group

Decision Maker: Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


A decision was taken at Strategy and Resources Committee in January 2023 that the steel containers, previously located on Fargate, could be utilised for different purposes. In November 2023, Strategy and Resources Committee were asked to note that the steel containers would be allocated to six community groups and that the Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services would enter into agreements with these organisations. Approval is now sought to re-allocate one of the containers is to a different community group.


Approve the re-allocation of the container initially identified for use by the Hillsborough Arena Sports Association to be utilised instead by the Sheffield Caribbean Sports Club as outlined in this report.

Reasons for the decision:

1. Hillsborough Arena Sports Association are unable to use the containers for the purpose they originally submitted their application for. After working with the community group on ways to resolve the issue, it became clear there wasn’t a workable alternative with one of the containers the Council held.

2. To ensure the container was utilised as intended in the decision on 20 November 2023, and based on guidance in that decision, the next highest scoring unsuccessful community group was approach to confirm if their project would still benefit receiving this container.  Sheffield Caribbean Sports Club confirmed their refurbishment project for the clubhouse would provide better changing facilities for one of their pitches, and it also supported celebration of the clubs Caribbean heritage.

3. Using the container in this way will benefit the community and won’t have a negative impact financially on the Council.

Alternative options considered:

To offer the container to one of the remaining 5 community groups.


This was rejected as the other groups had already confirmed they had the containers they required and had begun with their planning applications and designs.  By selecting an unsuccessful, but feasible project from an alternative community group it increases the positive impact on the number of Sheffield residents and neighbourhoods.

Publication date: 03/12/2024

Date of decision: 27/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: