Issue - meetings

Establishment Of Council Committees For The Municipal Year 2023-24 And Appointment Of Members To Serve On Those Committees

Meeting: 15/05/2024 - Council (Item 11)

11 Establishment Of Council Committees For The Municipal Year 2024-25 And Appointment Of Members To Serve On Those Committees pdf icon PDF 237 KB

To establish Council Committees and approve the appointment of Members to serve on those Committees, for the Municipal Year 2024-25, in accordance with details to be circulated at the meeting.


A report of the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement outlining the legal requirements to allocate seats on Council Committees to political groups on a politically proportionate basis, will be published prior to the meeting.


Additional documents:



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: On the motion formally moved by Councillor Mary Lea, and formally seconded by Councillor Joe Otten, that:-



(a)      the information contained in the report of the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement, outlining the legal requirements to allocate seats on Council Committees to political groups on a politically proportionate basis, be noted;




(b)      the terms of reference of the Council’s Committees for 2024-25 be as currently set out in the Council’s Constitution, but with the incorporation of the changes to be made to the terms of reference of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee, the Finance Committee, the Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee and the Audit and Standards Committee, as well as to the delegations relating to Contracts which are reserved to all Policy Committees (which changes have been approved under item of business number 7 on the agenda for this annual meeting of the Council);




(c)      the sizes of individual committees to be subject to proportional balance (which retains the changes approved by the Council at its meeting on 1st November 2023 to increase the size of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee from 11 seats to 13 seats, and to decrease the size of the Governance Committee from 11 seats to 9 seats), and the proportional allocation of seats on those committees (including final adjustments of seats to ensure that the total number of seats on the ordinary committees of the Council are allocated to each political group in the same proportion as the group’s membership of the Council), as set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting, be approved;




(d)      approval be given to the appointment of Members to Council Committees in the Municipal Year 2024-25 to reflect the arrangements now agreed and the wishes of the political groups, in accordance with the schedule circulated at the meeting (and including substitutes where appropriate), and, for the purposes of Council Procedure Rule 25.6, the consent of the Council be given in any case where a Member chooses not to be appointed to serve on any Policy or Regulatory Committee;




(e)      as respects the appointment of Members to serve on Council Committees, where vacancies exist or in cases of urgency to ensure quoracy or representation, the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the relevant political group whip, be authorised to appoint Members to serve on such Committees, as necessary, on the understanding that details of such appointments will be reported to the next or subsequent meetings of the Council;




(f)       approval be given to continue to disapply proportionality to the Senior Officer Employment Sub-Committees and the Appeals and Collective Disputes Sub-Committees for the reasons set out in paragraph 5.2.3 of the report; and




(g)      it be noted that in the event of any changes to the political composition of the Council occurring during the Municipal Year, political proportionality will be reviewed by the Council as soon as practicable thereafter.




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Liberal Democrat


Sheffield Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11

Meeting: 17/05/2023 - Council (Item 16)

16 Establishment Of Council Committees For The Municipal Year 2023-24 And Appointment Of Members To Serve On Those Committees pdf icon PDF 225 KB

To establish Council Committees and approve the appointment of Members to serve on those Committees, for the Municipal Year 2023/24, in accordance with details to be circulated at the meeting.


A report of the Interim General Counsel (and Monitoring Officer) outlining the legal requirements to allocate seats on Council Committees to political groups on a politically proportionate basis, will be published prior to the meeting.


Additional documents:



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: On the motion formally moved by Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards, and seconded by Councillor Joe Otten, that:-




(a)      the information contained in the report be noted;




(b)      the terms of reference of the Council’s Committees for 2023-24, be as currently set out in the Council’s Constitution, but with the incorporation of the changes outlined in paragraphs 3.1.6 and 3.2.1 of the report (relating to the Policy Committees and to the Governance Committee, respectively), and the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution accordingly;




(c)      the sizes of individual committees to be subject to proportional balance and the proportional allocation of seats on those committees, as set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting (and set out in these minutes), be approved;




(d)      approval be given to the appointment of Members to Council Committees in the Municipal Year 2023-24 to reflect the arrangements now agreed and the wishes of the political groups, in accordance with the schedule circulated at the meeting (and including substitutes where appropriate) (and set out in these minutes), and, for the purposes of Council Procedure Rule 25.6, the consent of the Council be given in any case where a Member chooses not to be appointed to serve on any Policy or Regulatory Committee;




(e)      as respects the appointment of Members to serve on Council Committees, where vacancies exist or in cases of urgency to ensure quoracy or representation, the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the relevant political group whip, be authorised to appoint Members to serve on such Committees, as necessary, on the understanding that details of such appointments will be reported to the next or subsequent meetings of the Council;




(f)       approval be given to continue to disapply proportionality to the Senior Officer Employment Sub-Committees and the Appeals and Collective Disputes Sub-Committees for the reasons set out in paragraph 3.2.3 of the report; and




(g)      it be noted that in the event of any changes to the political composition of the Council occurring during the Municipal Year, political proportionality will be reviewed by the Council as soon as practicable thereafter.















Liberal Democrat



Strategy & Resources Policy Committee

11 seats in 2023/24

Split 5:4:2:0

(Chairs of Policy Committees plus sufficient other Members to achieve proportionality)


Vacancy (Leader)

Vacancy (Deputy Leader)

Vacancies x 9


Finance Policy Committee

9 seats in 2023/24

Split 4:3:2:0


Cllr Mike Chaplin

Cllr Mary Lea

Cllr Zahira Naz

Cllr Ibby Ullah

Cllr Glynis Chapman

Cllr Mike Levery

Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed

Cllr Marieanne Elliot

Cllr Toby Mallinson


Named Substitutes

3 Vacancies

Cllr Joe Otten

Cllr Andrew Sangar

Cllr Martin Smith

Cllr Douglas Johnson

Cllr Martin Phipps



Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee

9 seats in 2023/24

Split 4:3:2:0

Cllr Ruth Milsom

Cllr Laura McClean

Cllr Mick Rooney

Cllr Laura Moynahan

Cllr Steve Ayris

Cllr Gail Smith

Cllr Sophie Thornton

Cllr Angela Argenzio

Cllr Martin Phipps


Named Substitutes

3 Vacancies

Cllr Glynis Chapman

Cllr Alan Woodcock

Cllr Ann  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16