Issue - meetings

North LAC Budget

Meeting: 26/09/2023 - North Local Area Committee (Item 8)

8 North LAC Budget pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Report of David Luck – Local Area Committee Manager North.

Additional documents:




The following decision was taken on Tuesday 26 September 2023 by the North Local Area Committee.




North LAC Budget 2023-24



In 2021 each LAC was allocated an initial budget of £100,000 to be spent in line with their Community plan. The North LAC Community Plan was agreed in March 2022 and the unspent portion of the £100,000 budget was carried forward to 2022/23. A new community plan has been drafted for 2023/24 will be the basis for future LAC funding decisions. 



At its meeting of June 27th 2023 the North LAC Members agreed to the following:


• To treat the four ward budgets of £25,000 as a single LAC budget of £100,000


• To establish two new funds, both of £25,000 – the Greatest Need fund to support work amongst those in demonstrable need and the Big Idea fund to support new approaches to meeting the priorities of the North LAC.



It is proposed to develop two new grant funds of £25,000 each to be allocated in 2023/24 from the total LAC budget of £100,000.



The first grant fund is the ‘North LAC Greatest Need fund’. This contributes to the LAC priority of vibrant community life and the goal in the Community Plan of the North becoming a connected place where people can access what they need to play an active part in their community – within this the fund supports the North LAC’s commitment to supporting those in greatest need. Grants of up to £5000 will be awarded for those proposing projects that address needs facing residents in the North.




The second fund is the ‘North LAC Big Idea Fund’. Grants of up to £5000 will be awarded for those proposing projects that contribute to addressing one of the three LAC priorities:

• Safe roads and effective transport links

• Clean and attractive environment

• Vibrant community life.



It is proposed that the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the LAC Chair, is authorised to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions on expenditure relating to the grant applications received as set out above. Bids will be assessed by the LAC team and agreed. Applications will be shared with the relevant Ward Members for comment in advance of decisions being taken. Expenditure being reported to the next meeting of the LAC.



In its budget setting the Council agreed a sum of £400,000, allocated by Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), to LACs for Cost of Living related work. Of this amount £37,100 was allocated to the North LAC.




RESOLVED: That the North Local Area Committee:-



(1)  Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the North LAC as detailed in the report.


(2)  Agrees the use of the 2023/24 LAC budget of £25,000 per ward as described in the report.


(3)   Agrees the use of the 2023/24 £37,100 LAC Cost of Living budget as described in the report namely that 50%  ...  view the full decision text for item 8




The report which set out details of the spend in respect of the initial budget of £100,000 for 2022/23, described funding allocated to the LAC for 2023/4 and set out proposals for its allocation and expenditure for 2023/4, in line with the North LAC Plan, was presented by David Luck, North Local Area Committee Manager.


A presentation was delivered, which outlined that the budget would be divided into two funds, the “Greatest Need Fund” and the “Big Idea Fund”.  Additionally, the North LAC had been allocated an additional £37,100 to address the Cost of Living.  This was being divided between the CAB (Citizen’s Advice Bureau) advice line and a new North Cost of Living Fund.



RESOLVED: That the North Local Area Committee:


a)    Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the North LAC as detailed in the report and

b)    Agrees the use of the 2023/24 LAC budget of £25,000 per ward as described in the report and

c)    Agrees the use of the 2023/24 £37,100 LAC Cost of Living budget as described in the report namely that 50% of the North’s allocation (£18,550) is awarded as a grant to Citizens Advice Sheffield to support its advice line with the remaining 50% (£18,550 used to create a new North Cost of Living fund) and

d)    Authorises the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair, to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions, following engagement with the relevant Ward Members, on the award of the grant funds proposed of up to £5,000. 




Reasons for Decision

The North LAC is asked to note the use of funding as per the previous decision of September 30th 2021 and agree further expenditure to address the identified local priorities.



Alternatives considered and rejected

This is in line with the previous decision of September 30th 2021 regarding expenditure below £5000, the North Community Plan agreed on March 9th 2022 and the proposed new North Community plan for 2023/24.