Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Wednesday 19 May 2021 12.00 pm

Venue: Ponds Forge International Sports Centre, Sheaf Street, Sheffield, S1 2BP. Please see the agenda for how to access the meeting.

Contact: Paul Robinson, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:



An apology for absence was received from Councillor Mary Lea.





To Elect A Lord Mayor For The Municipal Year 2021-22

Additional documents:



Councillor Tony Downing, the retiring Lord Mayor, took the Chair and the Chief Executive announced that the first business to be transacted was the appointment of a Lord Mayor for the ensuing year.




Whereupon it was:-




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY:  On the motion of Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, seconded by Councillor Tony Damms, that Councillor Gail Smith be appointed Lord Mayor of the City of Sheffield for the Municipal Year 2021/22.




The Council adjourned briefly whilst the Lord Mayor Elect was robed and invested with her Chain of Office.




On resuming, Councillor Gail Smith, the Lord Mayor Elect, then made and subscribed to the declaration required by law to qualify her to act as Lord Mayor.




Whereupon the retiring Lord Mayor vacated the Chair, which was then taken by Councillor Gail Smith, the Lord Mayor.  The Lord Mayor addressed the Council.







To Move A Vote Of Thanks To The Retiring Lord Mayor

Additional documents:



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: On the motion of Councillor David Barker, seconded by Councillor Roger Davison, that the best of thanks of this Council under the Common Seal be presented to Councillor Tony Downing and Mrs. Val Downing, for the able and very satisfactory manner in which they have performed their various official duties as Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of this City during the past two years.




The retiring Lord Mayor, Councillor Tony Downing, then took receipt of an ex-Lord Mayor’s Badge, and the retiring Lady Mayoress, Mrs. Val Downing, took receipt of her Badge.  Councillor Downing then addressed the Council.







To Elect A Deputy Lord Mayor For The Municipal Year 2021-22



(NB The meeting will adjourn following the appointment of the Deputy Lord Mayor and reconvene at 2.00 p.m.)


Additional documents:



RESOLVED:  On the motion of Councillor Anne Murphy, seconded by Councillor Kaltum Rivers, that Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards be appointed Deputy Lord Mayor of the City of Sheffield for the Municipal Year 2021/22.




Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards (the Deputy Lord Mayor Elect) was invested with her Badge of Office and then made and subscribed to the declaration required by law to qualify her to act as Deputy Lord Mayor.








At this point in the proceedings, the meeting was adjourned to provide a lunch break.  The meeting reconvened at approximately 2.20 p.m. and the 14 new Members of the Council elected in the recent Municipal elections (Councillors Sophie Thornton, Ann Woolhouse, Brian Holmshaw, Safiya Saeed, David Barker, Ruth Milsom, Alan Woodcock, Alexi Dimond, Christine Gilligan, Maroof Raouf, Richard Williams, Bernard Little, Ann Whitaker and Lewis Chinchen) were introduced to the Council.





To Appoint A Leader Of The Council For The Municipal Year 2021-22

Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Tony Damms, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that Councillor Terry Fox be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021/22, serving until the date of the next Annual Meeting of the Council in 2022.





Notification Of Executive Arrangements And Shadow Cabinet Appointments For The Municipal Year 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 184 KB

To (a) receive notification from the newly appointed Leader of the Council of Cabinet Member and Cabinet Adviser appointments and the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation for the Discharge of Executive Functions;


(b) receive notification from the main opposition group of the Leader of the Opposition and the appointment of Shadow Cabinet Members; and


(c) note and, where relevant, approve the appointments notified at the meeting.



Background report (to follow) of the Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) outlining the constitutional requirements regarding the notification of arrangements for the discharge of Executive functions.


Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Tony Damms, seconded by Councillor Joe Otten, that the City Council:-




(a) notes the Leader’s notification of the appointment of a Deputy Leader and Executive Members, including their portfolio areas of responsibility, and the appointment of Executive Members to serve on the Cabinet Highways Committee (including substitutes), and approves the appointment of Executive Advisers, all as detailed in the schedule circulated at the meeting, and set out in these minutes;




(b) notes that the Leader’s scheme of delegation currently in operation for the discharge of Executive functions will continue, other than in relation to the names and remits of some of the Portfolios of the Executive Members,which will be required to be changed to reflect the appointments now made by the Leader, and these will be published and circulated to all Members in the near future;




(c) notes the main opposition group’s notification of the Leader of the Opposition and approves the appointment of Shadow Executive Members, as detailed in the schedule circulated at the meeting, and set out in these minutes; and




(d) notes that the effect of these appointments upon the Special Responsibility Allowance element of the budget for Members’ Allowances is cost neutral compared with the arrangements in place currently.












Liberal Democrat








Co-operative Executive:-






Executive Member Portfolio:-











Councillor Terry Fox









Deputy Leader & EM for Community Engagement and Governance

Councillor Julie Grocutt









City Futures: Development, Culture and Regeneration

Councillor Mazher Iqbal









Education, Children and Families

Councillor Jayne Dunn









Finance and Resources

Councillor Cate McDonald









Health and Social Care

Councillor George Lindars-Hammond









Housing, Roads and Waste Management

Councillor Paul Wood









Climate Change, Environment and Transport



Councillor Douglas Johnson







Inclusive Economy, Jobs and Skills



Councillor Paul Turpin







Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Wellbeing, Parks and Leisure



Councillor Alison Teal







Cabinet Highways Committee

Cllrs Julie Grocutt, Mazher Iqbal and Paul Wood (Chair)


Cllr Douglas Johnson












Cabinet Highways Committee Substitute Members:-

Cllrs Jayne Dunn, Terry Fox, George Lindars-Hammond and Cate McDonald


Cllrs Paul Turpin and Alison Teal








Spokespersons (Shadow Executive):-


















Councillor Shaffaq Mohammmed








Deputy Leader & EM for Community Engagement and Governance


Councillor Penny Baker








City Futures: Development, Culture and Regeneration


Councillor Martin Smith








Education, Children and Families


Councillor Mohammed Mahroof








Finance and Resources


Councillor Simon Clement-Jones








Health and Social Care


Councillor Steve Ayris








Housing, Roads and Waste Management


Councillor Andrew Sangar








Climate Change, Environment and Transport


Councillor Tim Huggan








Inclusive Economy, Jobs and Skills


Councillor Mike Levery








Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Wellbeing, Parks and Leisure


Councillor Joe Otten








Executive Adviser Posts:-

















Councillors Bryan Lodge and Abtisam Mohamed









City Futures: Development, Culture and Regeneration

Councillor Abdul Khayum









Education, Children and Families

Councillor Mike Drabble









Finance and Resources

Councillor Mike Chaplin









Health and Social Care

Councillor Ben Miskell









Housing, Roads and Waste Management

Councillor Sophie Wilson









Climate Change, Environment and Transport



Councillor Ruth Mersereau







Inclusive Economy, Jobs and Skills



Councillor Angela Argenzio







Sustainable Neighbourhoods, Wellbeing, Parks  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Establishment Of Council Committees For The Municipal Year 2021-22 And Appointment Of Members To Serve On Those Committees pdf icon PDF 292 KB

To establish Council Committees and approve the appointment of Members to serve on those Committees, in accordance with details to be circulated at the meeting.


Background report (to follow) of the Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) outlining the legal requirements to allocate seats on Council Committees to political groups on a politically proportionate basis.



Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Terry Fox, formally seconded by Councillor Tony Damms, that the City Council:-




(a) notes the political proportionality framework and the illustrative example of how this may be applied in the Municipal Year 2021/22, as set out in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance circulated to all Members of the Council and published on the Council’s website on 14th May 2021;




(b) approves the changes to be made to the Council’s committee structure for the Municipal Year 2021/22, as outlined in the note circulated at the meeting, and involving (i) the establishment of four Transitional Committees on a politically proportionate basis and including representation from Executive Members, to undertake policy development work to support the activities of the Executive and (ii) the reduction in the number of Scrutiny and Policy Development Committees from five to three;




(c)(i) agrees that the terms of reference of Council Committees in the Municipal Year 2021/22 be as currently set out in the Council’s Constitution, subject to (A) the amendment of the terms of reference/remits of the Scrutiny and Policy Development Committees to reflect the changes now made to the number of those Committees, (B) the addition of the draft terms of reference for the Transitional Committees set out in the note circulated at the meeting, and (C) the inclusion of the terms of reference for the Local Area Committees which were approved at the Extraordinary Council meeting on 18th March 2021, and (ii) requests the Director of Legal and Governance to amend Part 3 of the Constitution (Responsibility For Functions) to reflect these changes to the terms of reference of the Committees, and to make any minor consequential amendments that may be necessary;




(d) approves the names and composition of the Local Area Committees, in accordance with the details circulated at the meeting and requests the Director of Legal and Governance to amend the Area Committee Procedure Rules in the Constitution to incorporate the names and composition of the Committees, and to make any minor consequential amendments that may be necessary;




(e)(i) approves the sizes of individual committees to be subject to proportional balance in the Municipal Year 2021/22 and the initial allocation of seats to political groups on individual committees before final adjustment, as set out in the note circulated at the meeting;(ii) agrees that, in order to ensure that each political group has the required number of seats overall in comparison to the total number of seats available on all Committees to reflect their composition on the Council as a whole,(A) the Labour Group’s adjustment of three seats be from three Committees (other than the Licensing Committee) to be nominated by the Group Whip and reported back to the next Council meeting, with two of those seats being allocated to the Liberal Democrat Group and one seat being allocated to Councillor Lewis Chinchen and (B) the Green Group’s adjustment of one  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Appointments To Council Panels, Groups Etc And To External Bodies For 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 178 KB

To approve appointments in accordance with details to be circulated at the meeting.



Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Tony Damms, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that:-




(a) approval be given to the establishment, with the suggested memberships shown, of the Council panels, working groups etc for the Municipal Year 2021/22, set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting and as set out in these minutes;




(b) approval be given to the appointment of Members to serve on external bodies in the Municipal Year 2021/22, also as set out in the schedule now circulated and as set out in these minutes, incorporating the amended appointment to the membership of the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority reported earlier at the meeting by the Director of Legal and Governance;




(c) as respects the appointment of Members to its various bodies, where vacancies exist or in cases of urgency, the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Executive Portfolio Member or Opposition Spokesperson(s), as appropriate, be authorised to appoint Members to serve on such bodies, as necessary, on the understanding that details of such appointments will be reported to the next or subsequent meetings of the Council; and




(d) as respects the appointment of representatives to serve on outside bodies, where vacancies exist or in cases of urgency, the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Executive Portfolio Member or Opposition Spokesperson(s), as appropriate, be authorised to nominate representatives to serve on such bodies, as necessary, on the understanding that details of such nominations will be reported to the next or subsequent meetings of the Council.












Liberal Democrat


Other Council Panels (x number of Members)



Heritage (x1)







Complaints Review Panel



1 independent Chair and 2 further independent members





Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (x2)


Cllr Cliff Woodcraft






Access Liaison Group (x5)


Cllr Cliff Woodcraft






Allotments and Leisure Gardens Advisory Group (x5)


Cllr Cliff Woodcraft






Castlegate Member Working Group (x6)


Cllrs Penny Baker and Colin Ross






Community Covenant Working Group (x3)



Mr Clive Skelton





Corporate Joint Committee with Trade Unions

(Executive Members)








Corporate Members Group

(Leader, Deputy Leader & Whip of each Group)

Cllrs Terry Fox, Julie Grocutt and Tony Damms

Cllrs Shaffaq Mohammed, Penny Baker and Joe Otten

Cllrs Douglas Johnson, Alison Teal and Martin Phipps





Corporate Parenting Board (x10)


Cllrs Sue Alston and Colin Ross






Cycle Forum (x3)


Cllr Richard Shaw






Housing and Neighbourhoods Advisory Panel

Executive Member

Executive Adviser







Joint Commissioning Committee (4 Executive Members)








Local Area Committee Chairs Group (x8)

Cllr Mary Lea (3 vacancies)

(3 vacancies)

(1 Green Group vacancy)





Monitoring and Advisory Board (Adult Services) (x4)


Cllr Steve Ayris






Policy Working Group (Labour)

All Members of the Group







Policy Working Group (Liberal Democrat)


All Members of the Group






Policy Working Group (Green)



All Members of the Green Group





Portfolio Joint Consultative Committees:-







People Services (x2)








Schools (x1)








Place (x4)








Resources/CEX (x1)








Sheffield Conservation Advisory Group (x2)



Cllr Roger Davison






South Yorkshire Joint Authorities:-





South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority (x5)

Cllrs Tony Damms and Josie Paszek

Cllrs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Arrangements For Council Meetings In The Municipal Year 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To (a) note minor changes made to the Council Procedure Rules by the Director of Legal and Governance, in consultation with the Lord Mayor, in relation to the venue for meetings of the Council, and the start time of this Annual Meeting; and


(b) agree a programme of meetings of the Council in the Municipal Year 2021-22 and the formula for the order in which Notices of Motion will be listed on the Council Summons.


Details of the changes to Council Procedure Rules and proposals for the programme of meetings and formula, will be circulated at the meeting.


Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Tony Damms, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that:-




(a) the minor change made to Council Procedure Rule 5.1 by the Director of Legal and Governance, in consultation with the Lord Mayor, in relation to the venue for the Annual Meeting of the Council, as detailed in the note appended to the motion circulated at the meeting, be noted;




(b)(i) ordinary meetings of Full Council in the Municipal Year 2021/22 be held in the Town Hall (whenever possible) at 2.00 p.m. on the first Wednesday in every month except (A) August 2021 and March, April and May 2022 (when no ordinary meeting will be held); (B) in June 2021 (when the meeting will be held at Ponds Forge International Sports Centre on 16th June, not on the previously scheduled date of 9th June, due to the venue not being available on the 9th); (C) in September 2021 (when the meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th September 2021 instead of on Wednesday 1st September to avoid the impact of the Summer Bank Holiday on Monday 30th August); and (D) in January 2022 (when the meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th January 2022 instead of on Wednesday 5th January to avoid the impact of the New Year’s Day Bank Holiday which will be observed on Monday 3rd January), and, accordingly, the meetings be held on the following dates:-




16th June 2021; 7th July 2021; 8th September 2021; 6th October 2021; 3rd November 2021; 1st December 2021; 12th January 2022; and 2nd February 2022; plus the provisional dates of 1st June 2022 and 6th July 2022 in the Municipal Year 2022/23.




(ii) the special meeting of the Council for the purposes of approving a Revenue Budget and Capital Programme and setting the Council Tax for the Financial Year 2022/23 be held on Wednesday, 2nd March2022 at 2.00 p.m. in the Town Hall; and




(iii) the annual meeting of the Council in 2022 be held on Wednesday, 18th May 2022 at 11.30 a.m. in the Town Hall; and




(c) further to Council Procedure Rule 10.2, the formula for the order in which Notices of Motion shall be listed on the Council Summons in the Municipal Year 2021/22 shall be as follows:-




June 2021 - Labour/LibDem/Green/Labour

July - Labour/LibDem/Labour/LibDem

September - LibDem/Labour/Green/Labour

October - Labour/LibDem/Labour/Other

November – Green/Labour/LibDem/Labour

December - LibDem/Labour/Labour/LibDem

February 2022 - Labour/LibDem/Green/Labour







Sheffield City Council Governance Referendum pdf icon PDF 276 KB

To approve, with or without amendment, the recommendations in the report (to follow) of the Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) on the result of the Sheffield City Council Governance Referendum and to outline the steps to be taken in consequence of its outcome.


Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Terry Fox, formally seconded by Councillor Julie Grocutt, that the City Council:-




(a) notes the outcome of the Sheffield City Council Governance Referendum, as outlined in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance circulated to all Members of the Council and published on the Council’s website on 14th May 2021;




(b) resolves to cease to operate executive arrangements and start to operate a committee system of governance with effect from the start of the 2022/23 Municipal Year;




(c) requests the Director of Legal and Governance to take the steps outlined in paragraph 3.1 of the report; and




(d) requests the Director of Legal and Governance, in consultation with the Leaders of the political groups on the Council, to take all steps necessary to develop and implement the change, as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report, and to recommend the necessary changes to the Constitution, etc, reporting back to Full Council as and when necessary, such as to recommend the number and the functions of the new committees, their terms of reference, etc.







Members' Allowances: Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To approve, with or without amendment, the recommendations in the report of the Executive Director, Resources published with this agenda setting out the recommendations from the Independent Remuneration Panel on the Members’ Allowances Scheme.



Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the motion of Councillor Terry Fox, formally seconded by Councillor Julie Grocutt, that the City Council:-




(a) notes the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel and its recommendations, as set out in the report of the Executive Director, Resources, published with the agenda for this meeting;




(b) approves the removal of the Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) for Local Area Partnership Chairs and the addition of an SRA for Local Area Committee Chairs atBand C (£5,688.55 per annum) in the Schedule of Special Responsibility Allowances in the Members’ Allowances Scheme as recommended by the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP);




(c) notes that the Members’ Allowances Scheme approved by Council at its Special (Budget) Meeting on 3 March 2021 rolled forward the existing scheme which was approved in 2017/18; and




(d) notes that, following the outcome of the Sheffield City Council Governance Referendum, further work will be carried out by the IRP to consider changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme, including a review of the Special Responsibility Allowance for Local Area Committee Chairs and that the outcome of this work will be submitted to a future meeting of Council for consideration.