Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary Meeting, Council - Thursday 18 March 2021 5.00 pm

Venue: To be held as an online video conference. To access the meeting, click on the 'View the Webcast' link below.

Contact: Paul Robinson, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:



Apologies for absence were received from Councillors David Baker, Julie Dore and Alan Law.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.

Additional documents:



There were no declarations of interest made by Members of the Council.



Establishment of Local Area Committees pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To approve, with or without amendment, the recommendation to be made by the Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 17th March 2021 that the Council approves the establishment of 7 Local Area Committees and approves the draft Area Committee Terms of Reference and Area Committee Procedure Rules, attached at Appendix 2 & 3 to the report of the Director of Legal and Governance, as changes to the Constitution, together with any minor consequential amendments, to take effect from the Annual Meeting of the Council.



Further details are set out in the joint report of the Director of Legal and Governance and Executive Director, People Services, published with this agenda.

Additional documents:



RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Tony Damms, seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that, in accordance with Council Procedure Rules 4 (Suspension and Amendment of Council Procedure Rules) and 11 (Motions which may be moved without notice):-


(a) Council Procedure Rule 17.5 be suspended to remove the 2 minute time limit on the speeches of the movers and seconders of amendments and a new time limit be set whereby a total of 20 minutes will be shared by the mover and seconder of each amendment, and all other speakers shall have 2 minutes;


(b) Council Procedure Rule 17.6 be suspended to remove the 25 minute time limit for the item of business; and


(c) Council Procedure Rules 17.7(d) and 17.12(a) be suspended to remove the right of reply for the mover of the motion.



It was formally moved by Councillor Tony Damms and formally seconded by Councillor Dianne Hurst, that the following recommendations made by the Cabinet at its meeting held on 17th March, 2021, arising from its consideration of a joint report of the Executive Director, People Services, and the Director of Legal and Governance, setting out a proposal to empower communities by shifting power from the Town Hall to communities in every part of the City, be approved:-



“RESOLVED: That the Council approves the establishment of seven Local Area Committees and approves the draft Area Committee Terms of Reference and Area Committee Procedure Rules attached to this report at Appendix 1 and 2 as changes to the Constitution, together with any minor consequential amendments, to take effect from the Annual Meeting of the Council”



Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Bob Johnson, seconded by Councillor Paul Wood, as an amendment, that the recommendations of the Cabinet held on 17th March 2021, as relates to the Establishment of Local Area Committees, be approved with the addition of new paragraphs as follows:-


(b) notes that this Administration is revolutionising how citizens can influence the decisions that matter to communities, committing to a modern way of engaging, empowering and enabling residents to shape their local areas;


(c) notes that the new Local Area Committees will engage, enable, and empower communities across the city with increasing control over decision making, marking a major shift in power to communities with a rolling programme of devolution over the next 12 to 18 months;


(d) believes that this is far from a return to Community Assemblies, and that the new arrangements will go much further than they ever did in empowering committees and making the Council more accountable and closer to local needs;


(e) notes that the Committees will:-


(i) be the principal means by which the Council engages, empowers, enables, and seeks the active participation of all residents and community organisations on any topic of local interest;


(ii) actively utilise all available communication methods, including social media, improved local websites and blogs and where possible the use of virtual meeting technology;


(iii) provide a geographical framework that, over time, will be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.