Agenda, decisions and minutes

North Local Area Committee - Wednesday 9 March 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: High Green Miners Welfare, 47 Greno View Road, High Green, S35 4GX

Contact: Philippa Burdett, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors’ Francyne Johnson and Vickie Priestley.





Exclusions of Public and Press

To identify items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public.

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public andpress.






Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.





Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To approve the minutes of the Committee held on 30 September 2021.

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The minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 30 September, 2021, were approved as a correct record.





Approval of the North LAC Community Plan 2022-23

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.

Additional documents:



The Committee received a presentation from David Luck, Community Services Manager. A survey had been conducted across the city alongside community engagement which was carried out by the North Local Area Committee team and partnership organisations. This had helped to form the 3 main themes of the Community Plan: Transport and Highways, Environment, and Community. These were broad ‘headlines’ with cross-cutting issues which would be prioritised and explored further. The aim had been to identify areas of work that could make a difference to local communities. Following agreement of the plan, further engagement would take place about specific projects and aims.



A member of the public enquired whether it was now just a question of signing off headlines as the plan is yet to emerge? Extensive consultation has been carried out, but the numbers were low in terms of a population percentage. Could this be boosted?


In response, the Chair noted that the part of the consultation process had been undertaken when Covid-19 restrictions had prevented face-to-face meetings. He advised that some community groups had provided positive feedback on the draft plan. The Chair was aware of the lack of consultation with young plan and noted that it was an emerging plan.


David Luck agreed and explained that the Community Plan would grow and develop over time. This process would be informed by regular meetings held between members and officers, statistical information obtained from the survey, and also from the vast knowledge that members had on their communities. He noted that future consultations might be modified and be carried out more broadly and creatively.



The Chair read out a question from Will Nash, who was not present at the meeting:


Why is 'community safety and crime' not one of the 3 area priorities when is was the least liked and third highest for improvements in the area overall?


The written response provided to Mr Nash was as follows:


As you say, community safety and crime was one of the four main areas identified in consultation.


I then went through individual comments and whilst these varied there were a lot about lack of Police presence.


The question for the LAC is what are the elements of community safety and crime it can address? Clearly, much of this lies primarily with the Police who we work closely with.


The LAC needs to consider the type of areas where it can be involved in tangible work and I would hope those issues around ASB can be picked up within the proposed priorities for example:


  • Safe roads – measures to address concerns about speeding
  • Vibrant community life – positive activities for young people; promoting the work of local Police teams;  working with housing colleagues around concerns within social housing
  • Clean & attractive environment – work around graffiti & fly tipping


Over the coming months we will explore key issues further in order to bring forth projects and develop an action plan.


At the heart of our work is the development of strong working  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Public Questions and Petitions pdf icon PDF 274 KB

a. Presentation by David Luck, North Local Area Committee Manager

b. Discussion and approval of the Plan

c. Breakout groups on implementation of the approved Plan

d. Summary feedback from the breakout rooms

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The Terms of Reference for Local Area Committees (LACs) provide that each LAC must agree a Community Plan setting priorities for the area of the committee, monitor delivery of that plan and keep it under review, and that the decisions it makes in relation to funding must fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement with the community.


Through public consultation, the North LAC has developed a draft Community Plan that seeks to identify the key issues within the area, and develop a series of priorities that will inform the direction of the LAC, and direct the spending of delegated budgets, where the LAC has authority to do so.


This Report recommends the approval of the draft North Community Plan, attached as an Appendix to this report.






(1)  Approval be given to the North Community Plan as a statement of the priorities of the area;

(2)  Authority be given to the Community Services Manager to produce a final version of the Community Plan document, incorporating any amendments approved by the LAC at this meeting, and to publish it on the webpages of the North Local Area Committee; and

(3)  Notes that future LAC decisions relating to funding must fit with the priorities set out in the Community Plan and following engagement with the community.



Reasons for Decision


The proposal to approve the North LAC Community Plan is recommended on the basis that the Plan provides a clear framework in how the LAC will direct it’s resources to address key issues identified through community consultation.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


None. A key element in establishing LACs is the principle that each LAC

will develop a Community Plan.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted






Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration






Respective Director Responsible for Implementation


Executive Director People Services




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In



Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee





The Committee received the following question from a member of the public who had submitted questions prior to the meeting, and who was in attendance to raise it:-




Question 1 – Matthew Wilson


(a)    At the last meeting, the state of Mortomley Close, an un-adopted road in High Green was raised and there was a commitment to take this back to the council to find out more information.


Since then a question was raised at Full Council about it and it was suggested approaching the LAC, and seeing what could be done in the meantime. Can members inform me if any members of the LAC had taken this issue back to the council and if so what were they told.


The Chair noted that the first question had been raised at the North LAC online event that was held on 27 January 2022, and also at full Council on 2 March 2022, where Councillor Paul Wood gave a response.


Councillor Mike Levery queried whether there was any written evidence available that could be considered. He noted that Councillor Wood had made it clear in his response (to full Council) that the Council would be held legally responsible for any work they carried out to an unadopted road. He had heard of other unadopted roads which the Council had agreed to resurface. Where future repairs were required on these roads, the Council would organise the works and would then recharge residents.


(b)    I have been approached by tenants living in the bungalows on the corner of Bevan Way. They are concerned about the security of their communal garden. They inform me that they had contacted the Council with proposals to partition the land and had provided quotes for the fencing.


Unfortunately they were turned down. They were told they couldn't partition the garden as it was a communal garden. However, there are a number of communal gardens on Bevan Way with communal gardens that they've partitioned. They were also told they couldn't partition the garden as the Council need access to cut the lawn. Tenants tell me though they cut it themselves.


It seems to me as it's their garden which they maintain themselves and they have said they are willing to pay for it at no cost to the council then why shouldn't they be able to partition it. Could members advise whether they would investigate and review the previous decision made.


The Chair thanked Mr Wilson for his questions and asked him to forward the details of the bungalows concerned. He would then be able to seek a full response from officers who would be able to investigate the details of their tenancy agreements.



The Committee received the following question from a member of the public which was submitted prior to the meeting:-




Question 2 – Alan Bilton (read out by the Chair)


Over the last 15 years the lower section of Church Street, Ecclesfield, between Mill Road and The Common, has experienced problems of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Transition to Committees pdf icon PDF 544 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Governance.

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The Committee received a presentation given by Gillian Duckworth, Director of Legal and Governance, which outlined the changes to the Council’s Committee System. She stated that in May 2021 a public referendum voted to change the Council’s governance structure to a committee system in May 2022. Changing the structure also meant a change in how decisions were made. Following on from the referendum result, a Governance Committee was set up. Over the last year, members had worked together as a cross party committee to set out what the new structure might look like.


A public inquiry was held in December, 2021, which included evidence from experts, members of the public and community representatives. The information gathered at the inquiry was used to help design a new model, which was then recommended to, and agreed at, the Council meeting of 23 March, 2022. The new structure would be formally implemented at the Annual General Meeting of the Council, scheduled for 18 May, 2022. A full review of the structure would take place six months later, which would involve input from the public.


The Council currently functioned via a model of governance that consisted of a Leader and 10 Executive members. The Executive team currently made most of the decisions. Transitional Committees had been set up in July 2021 to help with the shift to the new structure and had given members the opportunity to work cross-party.



A member of the public asked how chairs of the committees would be appointed; would this be decided by the Leader, the majority party or decided amongst the committee members?


In response, Gillian Duckworth advised that chairs of the new committees would be appointed by full council at Annual General Meeting on 18 May 2022. Each committee would have the ability to change this over time.



Another public questioner asked whether Local Area Committees had staff working exclusively to support the work of the Committee, would there be reports of this Local Area Committee to full Council every month, and was this considered to be an efficient way to push the work of the Committee?


In response, the Chair advised that the North Local Area Committee had a designated team that was supported by Democratic Services and technical staff. There were also officers within other services that could be called on to answer specific queries. He also noted that Local Area Committees were autonomous of full Council and had their own decision-making mechanisms.


Gillian added that teams were being created with nominated officers that would support the new policy committees in their functions.


In response to the question about referring matters from Local Area Committees, Gillian advised that although there was currently no formal reporting mechanism, this was expected to be added as an agenda item for future meetings of full Council.



Another public question was raised, asking what the current position was regarding the Chief Executive of the Council and had arrangements been put in place to allow business to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Decisions taken by the Community Services Manager for noting pdf icon PDF 351 KB

Report of the North Local Area Committee Manager.

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A report was given by David Luck, detailing a delegated decision made by the Community Services Manager in consultation with the Chair of the North Local Area Committee. This was for the sum of £650 to erect a ‘Give way’ sign on Stephen Lane in Grenoside; a measure proposed by Strategic Transport, Sustainability and Infrastructure to manage traffic on a narrow street.



RESOLVED: that the Committee notes the contents of the report.