Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

South East Local Area Committee - Thursday 29 February 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: The Birley Academy, Birley Lane, Sheffield S12 3BP

Contact: Jay Bell, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

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Councillor Kurtis Crossland welcomed everyone to the meeting and sent well wishes to Councillor Alison Norris who was unable to attend the meeting.



Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bryan Lodge, Alison Norris and Paul Wood.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public.

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.



Good Parking Scheme

Presentation of certificates to participating schools

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Claire Knott, Community Development Worker, outlined the Good Parking Scheme, which was a scheme carried out in the South East area that had identified problems with parking at school drop-off and pick-up times. The scheme aimed to support children in taking some initiative to tackled the problem. Participating students would design parking tickets and then look for examples of good and bad parking. She had recently worked with students at Birley Primary Academy, and she thanked them for engaging and participating in the scheme.




The Committee presented certificates to participating students from Birley Primary Academy.




Councillor Kurtis Crossland thanked the school and the Local Area Committee team on behalf of the Committee.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 16 November, 2023

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The minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 16 Novermber, 2023 were approved as a correct record.



South East Local Area Committee Spend Report

Report of Jayne Foulds, Local Area Committee Manager

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The Committee considered a report of the Community Services Manager on the funding allocated to the South East Local Area Committee for 2023-24 and the proposals for its allocation and expenditure for 2023-24 in line with the South East Local Area Committee Community Plan.




In addition to the funding allocation and expenditure detailed in the report, the Committee were asked to approve the following expenditure:-


1.    Crime and Community Safety theme:-


Purchase of a mobile CCTV camera - £9,500


2.    Health and Wellbeing and Children and Families theme:-


Improve and promote youth provision within the South East area - £10,000






That the South East Local Area Committee:-


(i)    Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 project budget to address local priorities in the South East Local Area Committee as detailed in the report;


(ii)   Notes the expenditure from the £22,459 South East Cost of Living fund as detailed in the report;


(iii)Authorises the following expenditure from the £100,000 project budget for the purposes described in the report:


(a)  £30,000 towards the Environmental Stewardship project for the South East area;

(b)  £10,000 for a biodiversity project in the Shirebrook Valley;

(c)  £7,000 to establish an Environmental Grant fund;

(d)  £9,500 for the mobile CCTV camera;

(e)  £10,000 for youth provision; and


(iv)Authorises the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair, to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions, following engagement with the relevant Ward Members, on the award of Environmental Grants of up to £1,000. 




Reasons for Decision




The South East Local Area Committee is asked to note and approve the allocation of funding under the priority headings identified to assist its ability to monitor its budget, and to support delivery of the Community Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Decisions on any expenditure above the existing authority to the Community Services Manager could be reserved to the Local Area Committee but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.


All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers.  However, this would restrict and undermine the Local Area Committee’ ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.




The Committee considered a report of the Community Services Manager on the funding allocated to the South East Local Area Committee for 2023-24 and the proposals for its allocation and expenditure for 2023-24 in line with the South East Local Area Committee Community Plan.




In addition to the funding allocation and expenditure detailed in the report, the Committee were asked to approve the following expenditure:-


1.    Crime and Community Safety theme:-


Purchase of a mobile CCTV camera - £9,500


2.    Health and Wellbeing and Children and Families theme:-


Improve and promote youth provision within the South East area - £10,000






That the South East Local Area Committee:-


(i)    Notes the expenditure against the £100,000 project budget to address local priorities in the South East Local Area Committee as detailed in the report;


(ii)   Notes the expenditure from the £22,459 South East Cost of Living fund as detailed in the report;


(iii)Authorises the following expenditure from the £100,000 project budget for the purposes described in the report:


(a)  £30,000 towards the Environmental Stewardship project for the South East area;

(b)  £10,000 for a biodiversity project in the Shirebrook Valley;

(c)  £7,000 to establish an Environmental Grant fund;

(d)  £9,500 for the mobile CCTV camera;

(e)  £10,000 for youth provision; and


(iv)Authorises the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair, to finalise the eligibility criteria and make decisions, following engagement with the relevant Ward Members, on the award of Environmental Grants of up to £1,000. 




Reasons for Decision




The South East Local Area Committee is asked to note and approve the allocation of funding under the priority headings identified to assist its ability to monitor its budget, and to support delivery of the Community Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Decisions on any expenditure above the existing authority to the Community Services Manager could be reserved to the Local Area Committee but this would inevitably delay delivery of priority actions to address specific issues identified in the Community Plan.


All decisions on expenditure to support Community Plan priorities could be delegated to officers.  However, this would restrict and undermine the Local Area Committee’ ability to monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.



Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public

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The Committee received the following questions from members of the public in advance of the meeting:-


(a)            Fiona Duncan (read out by the Councillor Kurtis Crossland)


Are there any plans to address the parking on Sevenairs Road.


At minimum, the yellow lines need putting all along one side of the road, instead of the sporadic lines currently which is making driving on there impossible.


Can the Benton Centre be forced to make more adequate parking provision on their land as plenty of scope to make more spaces


In response, Councillor Crossland confirmed that Highways team were looking into this issue and a full response would be provided for Ms Duncan.


(b)            Roger Marsh (read out by Councillor Crossland)


I note that the theme of the next South East Local Area Committee meeting is “Health and Wellbeing.” And encouraging good physical and mental health in our community.


Please identify where there is a better example of the above in the community and Sheffield City Council working together, in South East Sheffield, than the Owlthorpe Grassland Grazing Project and the Owlthorpe Heritage and Nature Trail?


Also please explain why SCC is hell bent of destroying a large part of both projects?


Councillor Crossland noted that an officer response had been received and would be shared with the questioner, and that further information would be sought from the relevant policy committee.


(c)             Rachel Sandy (read out by Councillor Crossland)


I wanted to ask if there were any plans to refurbish Rainbow Park? The play equipment in the park is very old and the place is generally underutilised by the local community because of this. A rejuvenation would help the local area especially during the summer months.


Councillor Crossland confirmed that the question had been passed to the Parks and Countryside Service for a full response. He noted the success of Friends of Rolling Acres Park in securing funding to improve play equipment in the park, and advised that LAC officers could put Ms Sandy in contact with Friends of Rainbow Park.

Councillor Tony Downing referred to the Westfield Big Local scheme at Westfield Park, and noted the invaluable help that ‘friends’ groups provided in securing funding for parks.


(d)            Bryan Pegg (read out by Councillor Crossland)


A few months ago the Highways department installed traffic monitoring cables across Grange Road.


As a resident of Grange Road concerned over the speed and volume of traffic using this road could the following please be answered by the Highways department.


Have any of the results of these cables been supplied to the local councillors or residents and if not when can they be supplied as to the following:

(1) number of vehicles using road over 24 hours

(2) number of large vehicles using road over 24 hours

(3) number of vehicles exceeding20mph over 24 hours

(4) number of prosecutions for exceeding 20mph


If the cables across the road installed by Highways over several days were not for any of the above reasons what were they  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.