Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

South East Local Area Committee - Wednesday 11 December 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Denise Fox and Ann Woolhouse.




Exclusion of the Press and Public

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public.

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.




Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest.




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 12 September 2024

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The minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 12 September 2024 were approved as a correct record.




Budget Report

Report of the Local Area Committee Manager

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The Committee considered a report of Jayne Foulds, Community Services Manager, on the proposed allocation of funds to address local priorities for the South East Local Area Committee for 2024-25.



Funding delegated by Full Council to LACs in 2024/25 amounts to £100,000 per LAC. At its meeting on October 12th 2024 the South East LAC agreed to use its £100,000 allocation to support projects aligned to the themes identified in the Community Plan. These are Crime and Community safety, Environment, Health and Well-being, Children and families.


The following areas of expenditure are proposed from the £100,000 budget:


  • A £45,000 grant for an Environmental Stewardship Team to support the theme of Crime and Community Safety.
  • A £30,000 grant for a Community Development Worker to support theme of Health and Wellbeing/Children and Families.


Together the proposed sums would total spend of £75,000 of the LAC budget. 



Since the previous LAC meeting the following expenditure has been approved by the Community Services Manager in consultation with the LAC Chair under the delegated authority:


  • £3,000 - Crime prevention material for the South East area. (this includes Crime Prevention tools = 24-hour light timers Dusk to Dawn Plug in LED Night Light Minder TV Simulator Window Alarms which pick up on vibrations when they are attempted)


  • £3,000 - Community events – Health and Wellbeing public meeting event – December 3rd. Woodhouse Family fun day – August 28th. Environmental volunteering celebration – 24th April 2025.


These sums in addition to the £75000 set out at 17.2 would lead to a total allocated spend of £81,000, and a balance of £19000 will be used for projects in the remainder of 2024/25.



RESOLVED: That the South East Local Area Committee:


(1) notes the expenditure under delegated powers against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the South East LAC as detailed in the report; and (2) agrees the recommendations for further spending against the 2024/25 budget in respect of an Environmental Stewardship Team project in the South East area and South East Community Development Worker.



Reasons for Decision



The South East LAC is asked to note the use of funding under delegated authority and agree the further expenditure proposed in the report to address the identified local priorities within the South East LAC Community Plan.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected 



Spending decisions made by the Community Services Manager under the authority delegated by the LAC in October 2024 are required to be reported to the next LAC meeting so that the LAC can monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.

With regard to the proposal for further expenditure against the 2024/25 budget, the LAC could choose not to allocate funds to these matters.




The Committee considered a report of Jayne Foulds, Community Services Manager, on the proposed allocation of funds to address local priorities for the South East Local Area Committee for 2024-25.



Funding delegated by Full Council to LACs in 2024/25 amounts to £100,000 per LAC. At its meeting on October 12th 2024 the South East LAC agreed to use its £100,000 allocation to support projects aligned to the themes identified in the Community Plan. These are Crime and Community safety, Environment, Health and Well-being, Children and families.


The following areas of expenditure are proposed from the £100,000 budget:


·       A £45,000 grant for an Environmental Stewardship Team to support the theme of Crime and Community Safety.

·       A £30,000 grant for a Community Development Worker to support theme of Health and Wellbeing/Children and Families.


Together the proposed sums would total spend of £75,000 of the LAC budget. 



Since the previous LAC meeting the following expenditure has been approved by the Community Services Manager in consultation with the LAC Chair under the delegated authority:


·       £3,000 - Crime prevention material for the South East area. (this includes Crime Prevention tools = 24-hour light timers Dusk to Dawn Plug in LED Night Light Minder TV Simulator Window Alarms which pick up on vibrations when they are attempted)


·       £3,000 - Community events – Health and Wellbeing public meeting event – December 3rd. Woodhouse Family fun day – August 28th. Environmental volunteering celebration – 24th April 2025.


These sums in addition to the £75000 set out at 17.2 would lead to a total allocated spend of £81,000, and a balance of £19000 will be used for projects in the remainder of 2024/25.



RESOLVED: That the South East Local Area Committee:


(1) notes the expenditure under delegated powers against the £100,000 budget to address local priorities in the South East LAC as detailed in the report; and (2) agrees the recommendations for further spending against the 2024/25 budget in respect of an Environmental Stewardship Team project in the South East area and South East Community Development Worker.



Reasons for Decision



The South East LAC is asked to note the use of funding under delegated authority and agree the further expenditure proposed in the report to address the identified local priorities within the South East LAC Community Plan.



Alternatives Considered and Rejected 



Spending decisions made by the Community Services Manager under the authority delegated by the LAC in October 2024 are required to be reported to the next LAC meeting so that the LAC can monitor its delegated budget and delivery of the Community Plan.

With regard to the proposal for further expenditure against the 2024/25 budget, the LAC could choose not to allocate funds to these matters.




Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.

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No public questions or petitions were received.