Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

South East Local Area Committee - Tuesday 28 September 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre, Beaver Hill Rd, Sheffield S13 9QA

Contact: Fiona Martinez, Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements



Councillor Tony Downing welcomed the public and gave an overview of the purpose of the Local Area Committees and shared some housekeeping information. The Councillors introduced themselves.



Apologies for Absence



Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Denise Fox.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

To identify where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public.



No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting.



There were no declarations of interest.



Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.



The Committee received the following questions from members of the public who had submitted the questions prior to the meeting, and who were in attendance to raise them: -


(a)  Dawn Spicer


1.    Who will be driving the LAC groups forward in the future?


In response, the Chair stated that each Local Area Committee would be driven by its committee members in response to the priorities that were highlighted from the current consultation and also existing priorities. He added that the LAC would develop a Community plan which would have achievable targets which would be reviewed regularly.


2.    Who will decide which groups already in operation will be supported?


In response, the Chair stated that this would again be determined from the priorities that were gathered from the consultation and that all local groups could receive support and guidance, some of which might be at ward level.


3.    Will there be any financial or operational support for the groups and how will this be prioritised?


In response, the Chair stated that there was currently £100,000 attached to each LAC that was allocated to be spent on the priorities determined from the local consultation currently taking place. He added that there was also ward pot funding that groups could access, and that the local ward Councillors and LAC officers could help support groups bid for this money as well as support the groups with organisations who might be able to exist with external funding.


(b)  Christine Lupton


1.    Issues with parking outside Reignhead School – parents parking on pavements, over other people’s drives, reversing along the pavements, etc – this is dangerous for pedestrians. Recently meant that an ambulance attending an elderly resident was unable to leave because they were blocked in. What can be done to alleviate this problem?


Councillor Bob McCann responded to this question, and stated that residents should report these incidents to the Police to allow them to handle this fully and address the issue. Councillor McCann stated reports could be anonymous but suggested that if these instances weren’t reported they were more likely to continue to occur. Councillor McCann mentioned the off-road bike team which he said had worked well to date.


2.    Can there be a greater police presence in Beighton to deal with issues such a young people racing up and down Grange Road on motorbikes/quadbikes?


Councillor Bob McCann stated residents should report these incidents to the Police to allow them to handle this fully and address the issue. Councillor McCann stated reports could be anonymous but suggested that if these instances weren’t reported they were more likely to continue to occur. Councillor McCann mentioned the off-road bike team which he said had worked well to date.


(c)  Lynne Williams


1.    Can the speeding issues on Handsworth Road be resolved? Nobody drives at 30mph and there are no signs highlighting the speed limit.


Councillor Tony Downing responded, highlighting that these are the rules on a 30-mph road – signs can be only  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 9 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee meetings held on 19 May 2021 and 7 July 2021.

Additional documents:



The minutes of meetings of the Committee held on 19th May and 7th July 2021 were approved as correct records.



Authorisation of the Community Services Manager to Take Decisions on Behalf of the Committee pdf icon PDF 351 KB

Report of the Head of Service for Communities



The Community Services Manager, submitted a report setting out the mechanism for the Local Area Committee to enable decisions to be taken quickly and to respond to emerging issues by authorising the Community Services Manager to make decisions on expenditure between Committee meetings, subject to certain conditions.




RESOLVED: That the South East Local Area Committee authorises the Community Services Manager to make decisions on expenditure from any budgets allocated to the Local Area Committee provided that:


  • The decision is taken in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair
  • Spending is in line with any specific purposes of the allocated budget
  • The decision may not approve expenditure of more than £5,000
  • A report detailing the delegated spending decisions taken by the Community Services Manager is presented to the next Local Area Committee meeting.



Reasons for Decision



The proposal to authorise decisions on any budgets allocated to the Committee can be discharged, in part, by the Community Services Manager will ensure the Committees can respond quickly to emerging local issues.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected



All decisions relating to budgets allocated to the Local Area Committee

could be decided at Formal Committee Meetings only. Whilst this approach would ensure the involvement of all members of the committee, it would mean that decisions to allocate spending for emerging and urgent local issues may not be made in a timely fashion.



Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted






Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration






Respective Director Responsible for Implementation


Executive Director People Services




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee






















The Community Services Manager submitted a report setting out the mechanism for the Local Area Committee to enable decisions to be taken quickly and to respond to emerging issues by authorising the Community Services Manager to make decisions on expenditure between Committee meetings, subject to certain conditions.


RESOLVED: That the South West Local Area Committee authorises the Community Services Manager to make decisions on expenditure from any budgets allocated to the Local Area Committee provided that:


  • The decision is taken in consultation with the Local Area Committee Chair
  • Spending is in line with any specific purposes of the allocated budget
  • The decision may not approve expenditure of more than £5,000
  • A report detailing the delegated spending decisions taken by the Community Services Manager is presented to the next Local Area Committee meeting.



Reasons for Decision




The proposal to authorise decisions on any budgets allocated to the Committee can be discharged, in part, by the Community Services Manager will ensure the Committees can respond quickly to emerging local issues.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




All decisions relating to budgets allocated to the Local Area Committee could be decided at Formal Committee Meetings only.  Whilst this approach would ensure the involvement of all members of the Committee, it would mean that decisions to allocate spending for emerging and urgent local issues may not be made in a timely fashion.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation








Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.



Local Area Committees - Empowering Communities Overview Presentation

To receive an overview presentation from the Local Area Committee Manager



The Committee received a presentation from the Community Services Manager on Local Area Committees (LACs), as part of the Empowering Communities Programme



Jayne Foulds reported on the operation and role of LAC, the initial funding allocation for the Committees, engagement activity, how the public could get involved, details of the Members of the Committee and the South West Local Area Committee Team and contact details relating to the LAC.



The Committee noted the information now reported as part of the presentation.