The Committee received the
following questions from members of the public who had submitted
the questions prior to the meeting, and who were in attendance to
raise them: -
Dawn Spicer
Who will be driving the LAC groups
forward in the future?
In response, the Chair stated
that each Local Area Committee would be
driven by its committee members in response to the priorities that
were highlighted from the current consultation and also existing
priorities. He added that the LAC would develop a Community plan
which would have achievable targets which would be reviewed
Who will decide which groups already in
operation will be supported?
In response, the Chair stated
that this would again be determined from
the priorities that were gathered from the consultation and that
all local groups could receive support and guidance, some of which
might be at ward level.
Will there be any financial or
operational support for the groups and how will this be
In response, the Chair stated
that there was currently £100,000
attached to each LAC that was allocated to be spent on the
priorities determined from the local consultation currently taking
place. He added that there was also ward pot funding that groups
could access, and that the local ward Councillors and LAC officers
could help support groups bid for this money as well as support the
groups with organisations who might be able to exist with external
Christine Lupton
Issues with parking outside Reignhead
School – parents parking on pavements, over other
people’s drives, reversing along the pavements, etc –
this is dangerous for pedestrians. Recently meant that an ambulance
attending an elderly resident was unable to leave because they were
blocked in. What can be done to alleviate this problem?
Councillor Bob
McCann responded to this question, and stated that
residents should report these incidents to the
Police to allow them to handle this fully and address the issue.
Councillor McCann stated reports could be anonymous but suggested
that if these instances weren’t reported they were more
likely to continue to occur. Councillor McCann mentioned the
off-road bike team which he said had worked well to
Can there be a greater police presence in Beighton
to deal with issues such a young people racing up and down Grange
Road on motorbikes/quadbikes?
Councillor Bob McCann stated
residents should report these incidents to the Police to allow them
to handle this fully and address the issue. Councillor McCann
stated reports could be anonymous but suggested that if these
instances weren’t reported they were more likely to continue
to occur. Councillor McCann mentioned the off-road bike team which
he said had worked well to date.
Lynne Williams
Can the speeding issues on Handsworth Road be
resolved? Nobody drives at 30mph and there are no signs
highlighting the speed limit.
Councillor Tony Downing responded, highlighting that
these are the rules on a 30-mph road – signs can be only
view the full minutes text for item 5.