Agenda and minutes

Our Council Transitional Committee - Thursday 10 February 2022 4.00 pm

Venue: To be held at the Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Contact: Rachel Marshall, Principal Committee Secretary  Email:


No. Item


Welcome and Housekeeping

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Welcome and housekeeping arrangements were explained.



Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Bryan Lodge and Councillor Julie Grocutt.



Exclusion of Public and Press

To identify items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.




Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting

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There were no declarations of interest.




Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 228 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 9th December 2021.

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Minutes of previous meeting held on 7 July 2021 were agreed to be a true record.




Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public

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There were no public questions or petitions.




Customer Service Standards and Expectations pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Report of the Executive Director of Resources

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The Committee received a report of Eugene Walker, Executive Director of Resources setting out the 2 main application of standards and how they can help to improving customer experience. 


Present for this item was Elyse Senior-Wadsworth (Head of Business Strategy and One Year Plan Theme Lead) and Paul Taylor (Head of Customer Services). It was acknowledged that the current standard being offered to customers is below expectation and the Committee have been asked to use their knowledge and experience to describe the future experience of a customer, what their ambitions are for customers so that Council officers deliver improvements that make steps towards an ambitious commitment to customers. Identify any gaps in knowledge and understanding.


The report contained information on Customer Focus – New Beginnings. It highlighted the significant improvements to be made, knowing what ‘good’ would look like, the Role of Standards, the LGA Peer Review, Getting it Right, Members Steering the Vision and Members setting the right application of Quality of Standards.


A presentation was also shared and contained slides on shaping the future, who the customers are, accessible services and future steps.


Members of the Committee made the following suggestions:


·       To make use of the technology available, look at reducing the volume of calls, log housing repairs via a designated online system, keep customers informed if someone is not able to attend a repair, phase sending out communications to reduce call volumes in any one day, ensure communications arrive before weekends, use mobile phones or voice activated systems to allows customers to book time slots for a call back, access a service within a reasonable time frame of 15 minutes, build in efficient and continuous data management, share case loads between officers so staff absence does not delay a service, give customers reference numbers to act as a  unique identifier to their query, communicate a response time, do not promise on things which cannot be delivered. 

·       Form a set of overarching principles of how people are treated throughout the whole of the service.

·       Explore a phased approach to targeted work so that by the end of the 3 years the right standard is implemented across the organisation.

·       Look at where other councils have got things right and to look at some positive examples of good practice within SCC and to learn from previous mistakes.

·       Provide some statistics around wait times and call volumes and potentially use a chat feature to filter out some volume of queries.


It was recognised by Members that officers are working hard and that this piece of work is to explore the systems that need to change in order to provide support to allow them to do their jobs.



The following responses were given:


·       The LGA peer review highlighted a lot of improvements that are to be made. An initial starting point should be made where there will be a greater impact. It was highlighted that by gaining an insight into the customers experiences will help reshape  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Draft work plan pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Report of Policy and Improvement Officer

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The Committee received a report of the Policy and Improvement Officer on the Draft Work Plan.


Present for this item was Alice Nicholson (Policy and Improvement Officer). The report contained information on the work plan of the Committee, that has included the Future Approach to Priority Budgeting, Customer Experience and Performance Management.


It was suggested that the Committee continues doing some more work in relation to customer service standards and expectations as a workgroup and that this be the core agenda item for the 10th March meeting.



RESOLVED: That the Committee:-


Continue with the work around customer service standards and expectations, and this be brought to the last meeting on 10th March for consideration.