Agenda, decisions and minutes

Finance and Performance Policy Committee - Wednesday 27 July 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: To be held in the Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Contact: Craig Rogerson, Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies for absence were received from Councillors





Exclusion of Press and Public

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No items were identified where resolutions may be moved to exclude the public and press.





Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 129 KB

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There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.





Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 127 KB

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The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7th June 2022 were approved as a correct record.



Public Questions and Petitions

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No petitions or questions from members of the public had been received.



Budget Monitoring and Financial Position Month 3, 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 728 KB

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The report brings the Committee up to date with the Council’s financial position as at Month 3 2022/23.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance Sub-Committee:-


(i) notes the Council’s challenging financial position as at the end of June 2022 (month 3); and


(ii) notes that each Policy Committee will receive detailed budget monitoring for their areas of responsibility at their meetings in September 2022 alongside the reports on their 2023/24 budget proposals requested by the Strategy and Resources Committee.



Reasons for Decision




Under section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, the Chief Finance Officer of an authority is required to report on the following matters:

• the robustness of the estimates made for the purposes of determining its budget requirement for the forthcoming year; and

• the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves.




There is also a requirement for the authority to have regard to the report of the Chief Finance Officer when making decisions on its budget requirement and level of financial reserves.



By the law the Council must set and deliver a balanced budget, which is a financial plan based on sound assumptions which shows how income will equal spend over the short- and medium-term. This can take into account deliverable cost savings and/or local income growth strategies as well as useable reserves. However, a budget will not be balanced where it reduces reserves to unacceptably low levels and regard must be had to any report of the Chief Finance Officer on the required level of reserves under section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, which sets obligations of adequacy on controlled reserves.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Council is required to both set a balance budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. No other alternatives were considered.






Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme pdf icon PDF 378 KB

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The report sets out a proposal to accept funding from the Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme to be transferred to Great Places Registered Provider who will be delivering 8 units for move on accommodation for rough sleepers.


A total of £482,219 has been awarded for the proposal. This includes £399,000 grant funding for Great Places to deliver the units and £83,219 grant revenue funding to employ a Tenancy Support Worker to work full time with the tenants of the units.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance Sub-Committee agrees to accept grant funding of £83,219, by entering into a grant agreement with Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC), as detailed and set out within this report.



Reasons for Decision




There is a high need for move on accommodation for rough sleepers in the city. Great Places will provide the units for the accommodation and employ the Tenancy Support workers. The responsibility for delivery will be on Great Places rather than the Council which reduces the risk.




The Council has a large amount of pressure for 1 bed properties which comes from a wider group than just the need from rough sleeper. This will allow the Council to use our 1 bed stock for the wider group and not tie them up for 30 years for move on.




By partnering with Great Places and them providing the move on accommodation for rough sleepers with lower levels of need (medium), we can diversify the offer in Sheffield whilst focusing our own efforts on to our other forms of Temporary Accommodation. This will provide a better mix of accommodation across the city and give customers more of a choice.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Not Accept and Transfer the funding. Without accepting and transferring the funding the support element of the programme would not be deliverable. This option was therefore discounted.