Venue: To be held at the Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH
No. |
Item |
1. |
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence was received from
Councillors Terry Fox and Joe Otten.
2. |
Exclusion of Press and Public
To identify items where resolutions may be
moved to exclude the press and public
RESOLVED: That the public and press be
excluded from the meeting before discussion takes place on item 5
on the agenda (item 4 of these minutes) on the grounds that, if the
public and press were present during the transaction of such
business, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information
as described in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government
Act 1972, as amended.
3. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 85 KB
Members to declare any interests they have in
the business to be considered at the meeting
There were no declarations of interest
4. |
Eurovision Song Contest 2023
Report of the Executive Director, City
The purpose of the report is to
note the undertaking and seek approval for the submission of the
Request for Information to the BBC as Phase 1 of the bidding
process for Sheffield to be the host city for Eurovision Song
Contest 2023 in collaboration with the South Yorkshire Mayoral
Combined Authority (SYMCA) and South Yorkshire local authorities in
solidarity with Ukraine.
UNANIMOUSLY: That the Strategy and
Resources Urgency Sub-Committee, having regard to the report and
the financial implications, approves the Council submitting the
Request for Information to the BBC as Phase 1 of the bidding
process to become Host City of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023
on the basis of a collaborative bid with
SYMCA and South Yorkshire local authorities.
Reason for Decision
Submitting a Host City bid at
the first phase shows the city’s intent to be considered a
major event hosting destination; there will be other bids submitted
from destinations which can more easily meet the minimum criteria
but perhaps cannot yet demonstrate the breadth of
Sheffield offers - the speed at
which SYMCA has agreed support demonstrates the belief that this
event will have a major positive impact across the South Yorkshire
region. It demonstrates the strength of the relationship by
allowing Sheffield to be the accountable lead body.
Allows Sheffield to demonstrate
solidarity with Ukraine
Presents Sheffield on a global
Major impact on visitor
Alternatives Considered and Rejected
If we do not bid, there would
be an opportunity to create a smaller, localised
‘fringe’ style cultural event to show our solidarity
with Ukraine and recognise our twinned city status with Donetsk.
There would still be an opportunity of civic Sister City twinning
with Khmelnytski in 2023. This
‘fringe’ event would not be formally affiliated with
Eurovision and would bring no international exposure.
The purpose of the report is to
note the undertaking and seek approval for the submission of the
Request for Information to the BBC as Phase 1 of the bidding
process for Sheffield to be the host city for Eurovision Song
Contest 2023 in collaboration with the South Yorkshire Mayoral
Combined Authority (SYMCA) and South Yorkshire local authorities in
solidarity with Ukraine.
UNANIMOUSLY: That the Strategy and
Resources Urgency Sub-Committee, having regard to the report and
the financial implications, approves the Council submitting the
Request for
Information to the BBC as Phase 1 of the bidding process to become
Host City of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 on the basis of a
collaborative bid with SYMCA and South Yorkshire local
Reason for Decision
Submitting a Host City bid at
the first phase shows the city’s intent to be considered a
major event hosting destination; there will be other bids submitted
from destinations which can more easily meet the minimum criteria
but perhaps cannot yet demonstrate the breadth of
Sheffield offers - the speed at
which SYMCA has agreed support demonstrates the belief that this
event will have a major positive impact across the South Yorkshire
region. It demonstrates the strength of the relationship by
allowing Sheffield to be the accountable lead body.
Allows Sheffield to demonstrate
solidarity with Ukraine
Presents Sheffield on a global
Major impact on visitor
Alternatives Considered and Rejected
If we do not bid, there would
be an opportunity to create a smaller, localised
‘fringe’ style cultural event to show our solidarity
with Ukraine and recognise our twinned city status with Donetsk.
There would still be an opportunity of civic Sister City twinning
with Khmelnytski in 2023. This
‘fringe’ event would not be formally affiliated with
Eurovision and would bring no international exposure.
(Note: In accordance with
Council Procedure Rule 26 this urgent meeting has been called on
the recommendation of the Chair, on the basis that the Council must
submit a Request for Information to the BBC as Phase 1 of the
bidding process to become Host City of the Eurovision Song Contest
2023, by no later than 9 August 2022. It was not possible in the
time available to give appropriate notice, and it was considered
that the Council would not be able to submit the Request in time if
not considered at this meeting).