Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Strategy and Resources Urgency Sub-Committee - Wednesday 7 September 2022 9.00 am

Venue: Town Hall, Sheffield, S1 2HH. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence



Apologies for absence was received from Councillors Julie Grocutt and Shaffaq Mohammed.



Exclusion of Press and Public

To identify items where resolutions may be moved to exclude the press and public



RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting before discussion takes place on item 6 on the agenda (item 5 of these minutes) on the grounds that, if the public and press were present during the transaction of such business, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



There were no declarations of interest made.



Minutes of the Last meeting held on 8 August 2022 pdf icon PDF 64 KB



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed to be a true record.



Eurovision Song Contest 2023

Report of the Executive Director, City Futures

Additional documents:



Strategy and Resources Urgency Sub-Committee previously approved the submission of a Phase 1 bid for Sheffield to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 (ESC 2023).  Sheffield successfully got through this first round and became one of 7 cities selected to progress to Phase 2.

Since this time officers and Members have been working in collaboration and partnership internally and with a wide range of partners to develop the full bid. 

The report highlights the key financial, legal and other implications of the bid were Sheffield to be the city selected to host ESC 2023.  The report also provides a sense of the scale of the event alongside the potential benefits, impacts and legacy the city could expect to see.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Urgency Sub-Committee:-



1.    Approve submission of the offer/proposal on the basis outlined in this report in response to the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 UK Host City selection: Phase 2 BBC Request for Proposal;

2.    Notes that this will be a binding offer to be the Host City and that; submission of the proposal will be an offer capable of acceptance by the BBC;

3.    Notes the financial implications and the proposed budget and funding proposals, including the limits on the Council’s financial contribution that will be included within the proposal;

4.    Approves the use from reserves as set out in section 4.2 of this report to fund the Council’s direct financial contribution to delivering the obligations of being Host City;

5.    Notes that if the Council is selected as Host City it will enter into a Cooperation Agreement as set out in the Key Terms in the Request for Proposal; and

6.    Endorses the approach in this report to delivering the Council’s role of Host City to be reflected in the proposal.




Reasons for Decision




The reasons for supporting the submission of a bid are set out in the report, alongside the issues and some key risks.  Sheffield has, as set out in the One Year Plan, and developing delivery plan an ambition to punch its weight and raise the profile of the city nationally and internationally, capitalising on the city’s assets to attract new business and investment to the city.  Bidding for the ESC 2023 allows us to make a step change in delivering on that ambition.




It has been demonstrated that the anticipated benefits would more than justify the financial investment in hosting this event and the wider team around this piece of work would ensure this was delivered to the best of their ability and the available resource. 




In a year that will not be like any other because of the circumstances, Sheffield can provide a platform for the Ukrainian people to shine, whilst demonstrating again that it is a safe pair of hands and a unique destination for investment and visitors to discover.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Having already had approval to develop the Phase 2 bid for hosting ESC23 and the  ...  view the full decision text for item 5.



Strategy and Resources Urgency Sub-Committee previously approved the submission of a Phase 1 bid for Sheffield to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 (ESC 2023).  Sheffield successfully got through this first round and became one of 7 cities selected to progress to Phase 2.

Since this time officers and Members have been working in collaboration and partnership internally and with a wide range of partners to develop the full bid. 

The report highlights the key financial, legal and other implications of the bid were Sheffield to be the city selected to host ESC 2023.  The report also provides a sense of the scale of the event alongside the potential benefits, impacts and legacy the city could expect to see.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Urgency Sub-Committee:-



1.    Approve submission of the offer/proposal on the basis outlined in this report in response to the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 UK Host City selection: Phase 2 BBC Request for Proposal;

2.    Notes that this will be a binding offer to be the Host City and that; submission of the proposal will be an offer capable of acceptance by the BBC;

3.    Notes the financial implications and the proposed budget and funding proposals, including the limits on the Council’s financial contribution that will be included within the proposal;

4.    Approves the use from reserves as set out in section 4.2 of this report to fund the Council’s direct financial contribution to delivering the obligations of being Host City;

5.    Notes that if the Council is selected as Host City it will enter into a Cooperation Agreement as set out in the Key Terms in the Request for Proposal; and

6.    Endorses the approach in this report to delivering the Council’s role of Host City to be reflected in the proposal.




Reasons for Decision




The reasons for supporting the submission of a bid are set out in the report, alongside the issues and some key risks.  Sheffield has, as set out in the One Year Plan, and developing delivery plan an ambition to punch its weight and raise the profile of the city nationally and internationally, capitalising on the city’s assets to attract new business and investment to the city.  Bidding for the ESC 2023 allows us to make a step change in delivering on that ambition.




It has been demonstrated that the anticipated benefits would more than justify the financial investment in hosting this event and the wider team around this piece of work would ensure this was delivered to the best of their ability and the available resource. 




In a year that will not be like any other because of the circumstances, Sheffield can provide a platform for the Ukrainian people to shine, whilst demonstrating again that it is a safe pair of hands and a unique destination for investment and visitors to discover.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Having already had approval to develop the Phase 2 bid for hosting ESC23 and the task  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.