The Changing Futures programme will help to
deliver a number of strategic objectives that are shared between
key partners, such as:
Sheffield City Councils Corporate Delivery Plan: Fair, inclusive
and empowered communities and Healthy lives and wellbeing for
Adult Health and Social Care Strategy 2022-2030: all is relevant.
Priorities include Safe and Well, Active and Independent, Connected
and Engaged and Aspire and Achieve.
Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2017-22: strengthen partnerships
to support adults with complex and multiple needs.
Community Safety Partnership Plan: Cuckooing, domestic abuse and
hate crime.
South Yorkshire Integrated Care Boards Five Year Plan: Developing a
Population Health System and Broadening and Strengthening our
Partnerships to increase our opportunity.
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-24: all is relevant.
Ambitions include “Everyone has access to a home that
supports their health” and “Everyone has equitable
access to care and support shaped around them”
Sheffield Safeguarding Adult Board Strategic Plan 2020-23: all is
relevant. Priorities include “working in partnership”
and “engage and empower”.
South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. Current plan
priorities are all relevant, including “protecting vulnerable
people” and “treating people fairly”.
South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Strategy: most are relevant.
Priorities include “Encourage all professionals and
organisations to continue to work toward becoming
trauma-informed” and “Work in partnership to improve
the mental health of the population, and advocate for those who
need support to receive it in a timely manner”.